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Dan Savage
7 October 1964
Birth Name:
Daniel Keenan Savage
To leave the house as the incredibly swishy, fierce gay hairdresser takes a lot more courage than to leave the house as Jason Collins.I really like Jason Collins and respect him. But the world became safe for the gender-conforming basketball player to come out because the hairdressers couldn't hide. And I think that is masculine as all fucking hell.
To leave the house as the incredibly swishy, fierce gay hairdresser takes a lot more courage than to leave the house as Jason Collins.I really like Jason Collins and respect him. But the world became safe for the gender-conforming basketball player to come out because the hairdressers couldn't hide. And I think that is masculine as all fucking hell.
I give a wicked blow-job. "I don't like it" isn't a good enough reason to use the force of the state to stop it. I don't like cunnilingus. I'm not going to use the force of the state to prevent that from happening.
I give a wicked blow-job. "I don't like it" isn't a good enough reason to use the force of the state to stop it. I don't like cunnilingus. I'm not going to use the force of the state to prevent that from happening.
[ on his and his partner's website dedicated to assist troubled lesbian, gay, bisexual and transcended youths] One day, when your daughter or son tells you that they were watching 'It Gets Better' videos under the covers in the middle of the night when you were failing your child so spectacularly, you will realize that we stepped in and stepped up and were t...
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[ on his and his partner's website dedicated to assist troubled lesbian, gay, bisexual and transcended youths] One day, when your daughter or son tells you that they were watching 'It Gets Better' videos under the covers in the middle of the night when you were failing your child so spectacularly, you will realize that we stepped in and stepped up and were the parent in that moment that you couldn't be, and you will thank us for loving your child.
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[on the marriage equality victories for same-sex marriage, 2012] Rights are rights. They shouldn't be put up for a vote. And we shouldn't have to say 'thank you' when they're recognized. The sad fact is that we have had to fight for our rights. But here's the happy fact: we didn't have to fight this one alone. Thousands and thousands of straight people stood...
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[on the marriage equality victories for same-sex marriage, 2012] Rights are rights. They shouldn't be put up for a vote. And we shouldn't have to say 'thank you' when they're recognized. The sad fact is that we have had to fight for our rights. But here's the happy fact: we didn't have to fight this one alone. Thousands and thousands of straight people stood with us and fought for us. We had help. And that's what we should thank the straight-people for. Not for granting our rights - rights are rights - but for joining our fight.
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Sex in porn bears about as much resemblance to real-life sex as action movies bear to real-life life.
Sex in porn bears about as much resemblance to real-life sex as action movies bear to real-life life.
Dan Savage
Dan Savage is a writer, TV personality, and activist best known for his political and social commentary, as well as his honest approach to sex, love and relationships.Savage's sex advice column, "Savage Love," is syndicated in newspapers and websites throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia. He is the Editorial Director of The Stranger, Seattle's weekly alternative newspaper, and his writing has appeared in publications including The New York Times, The New York Times Magazine, GQ, Rolling Stone, The Onion, and on Salon.com.Savage is also the author of several books, including: Savage Love; The Kid: What Happened When My Boyfriend and I Decided to Get Pregnant (PEN West Award for Creative Nonfiction, Lambda Literary Award for Nonfiction); Skipping Towards Gomorrah: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Pursuit of Happiness in America; and The Commitment: Love, Sex, Marriage and My Family. In his latest bestselling book American Savage, Dan shares his insights on topics ranging from marriage, parenting and the gay agenda to the Catholic Church and sex education. It's Dan's frank and open discussions on such topics that had Publisher's Weekly rave why he is, "America's most in-your-face sex columnist and gay rights activist."In addition to his appearances on CNN, MSNBC, and The Colbert Report, Savage is a contributor to Ira Glass's This American Life, and has appeared on NPR's Fresh Air with Terry Gross, HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, and ABC's 20/20. Savage is a frequent and popular speaker on college campuses across the United States and Canada.In September 2010, Savage created a YouTube video with his husband Terry Miller to inspire hope for LGBT young people facing harassment. In response to a number of students taking their own lives, Savage and Miller wanted to create a personal message to let LGBT youth know that "it gets better". Today, the It Gets Better Project has become a global movement, inspiring more than 50,000 It Gets Better videos viewed over 50 million times. The It Gets Better book, co-edited by Savage and Miller, was published in March 2011, and an MTV documentary special, It Gets Better, aired in February 2012.Dan Savage grew up in Chicago and now lives in Seattle, Washington with his husband Terry Miller and their son, DJ.

Dan Savage Filmography

RuPauls Drag Race - Season 16
Real Time with Bill Maher - Season 22
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - Season 10
20/20 - Season 47
RuPauls Drag Race - Season 15
Real Time with Bill Maher - Season 21
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - Season 9
20 20 - Season 46
RuPaul's Drag Race - Season 14
Real Time with Bill Maher - Season 20
RuPaul's Drag Race - Season 13
Explained - Season 3
Real Time with Bill Maher - Season 19
20/20 - Season 44
The Premise - Season 1

Dan Savage Roles

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