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Fahd Larhzaoui
November 10
189 cm
A Winner Never Quits And A Quiter Never Wins
A Winner Never Quits And A Quiter Never Wins
Fahd Larhzaoui
Fahd Larhzaoui was born on November 10, 1978 in Gouda, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands. Larhzaoui acquired his stage credits at various Dutch theatre companies and has worked with a variety of Dutch directors. At the moment he is taking on a role in Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream with Theatre group Oostpool.In 2007 Larhzaoui won the audience award for best international play at the F.I.T.U.C. Festival in Casablanca - Morocco with the play Casadam. In the same year he received an educational grant from the prestigious VanDenEnde Foundation. From 2004 to 2008 Larhzaoui danced as a background dancer for the dutch Idols (2002) finalist Hind Laroussi.In 2014 he presented his solo performance Schijn (Appearance), in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Surinam and Curaçao. The show was shortlisted for the prestigious 'Dutch Theatre Festival' in 2014 and was written by screenwriter Don Duyns. This tour was very well received with positive reviews and wide newspaper coverage. For his second solo performance, Shirt Uit Fahd at Het Zuidelijk Toneel (The Southern Theatre), Larhzaoui was cited as one of the top 3 best male leads on stage by critics of daily Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad.Outside of theatre, from 2009 to 2014, Larhzaoui was an actor and presenter of the popular kids television program Huisje Boompje Beestje 2009-2014 (2009), which was shown on Dutch and Belgium television. Furthermore, Larhzaoui played parts in multiple television series such as Flikken Rotterdam (2016), and Moordvrouw (2012) season 7. Most recently he was in Devil's Dilemmas, Het laatste verhoor (2018) (The Last Interrogation) and Papadag (2017).In 2022 Larhzaoui can be seen as the leading role in the international feature film El Houb (2022) by director Shariff Nasr and produced by Joram Willink. Larhzaoui plays the Moroccan-Dutch Karim who returns to his parental home to reveal to his parents that he is gay. Their reaction inspires a journey of discovery into Karim's isolation as he attempts to break an ingrained culture of silence.

Fahd Larhzaoui Filmography

Nemesis - Season 1 (2024)
The Golden Hour (Het gouden uur) - Season 1
El Houb: The Love
The Blood Pact - Season 3
The Blood Pact - Season 2
The Blood Pact - Season 1
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