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Jessica Brown Findlay
14 September 1989
165 cm
I've read my grandmother's memoirs and she served as a nurse during World War II. What they had to do was incredible.
I've read my grandmother's memoirs and she served as a nurse during World War II. What they had to do was incredible.
I do so many things. Like when I was younger, if I drove past a house that I didn't want to live in, I'd hold my breath. Driving around somewhere like Slough I'd go blue in the face.
I do so many things. Like when I was younger, if I drove past a house that I didn't want to live in, I'd hold my breath. Driving around somewhere like Slough I'd go blue in the face.
I like to accessorise shirts with a little ribbon tied round my collar or a country style ascot. I've also sewed little hearts on some of my sleeves which I've done for years because I always wear my heart on my sleeve so if you see a little embroidered heart on my clothes, that's why!
I like to accessorise shirts with a little ribbon tied round my collar or a country style ascot. I've also sewed little hearts on some of my sleeves which I've done for years because I always wear my heart on my sleeve so if you see a little embroidered heart on my clothes, that's why!
At 17, we all think we know what we're doing.
At 17, we all think we know what we're doing.
Before I go on stage, I knock three times. Three is my lucky number; I once went into an audition and was number 333 and got the best part ever.
Before I go on stage, I knock three times. Three is my lucky number; I once went into an audition and was number 333 and got the best part ever.
I trained as a ballet dancer till I was 18, so I would really like to get back to it. I'd love it if there was a part that meant I could do both acting and ballet, as they're both so close to my heart.
I trained as a ballet dancer till I was 18, so I would really like to get back to it. I'd love it if there was a part that meant I could do both acting and ballet, as they're both so close to my heart.
Ever since I was young, I've read Austen and the Brontes. My friends laugh, but those books are always so tragic and wonderful - those stories, they're just incredible.
Ever since I was young, I've read Austen and the Brontes. My friends laugh, but those books are always so tragic and wonderful - those stories, they're just incredible.
I've been told I make a very good brew.
I've been told I make a very good brew.
I've got four piercings in my left, so we've dubbed my right one the 'period drama ear.' I have to be filmed from that side when I do emotional close-ups in 'Downton.'
I've got four piercings in my left, so we've dubbed my right one the 'period drama ear.' I have to be filmed from that side when I do emotional close-ups in 'Downton.'
I love when people become obsessed with 'Downton.'
I love when people become obsessed with 'Downton.'
I filmed Albatross (2011) before I got 'Downton.' It's a coming-of-age movie about this girl who leaps into this family's life, like a whirlwind. She's ballsy and brash and wonderful, it was such an amazing character to play.
I filmed Albatross (2011) before I got 'Downton.' It's a coming-of-age movie about this girl who leaps into this family's life, like a whirlwind. She's ballsy and brash and wonderful, it was such an amazing character to play.
I don't know if I'm so righteous.
I don't know if I'm so righteous.
Sometimes when a scene is written or directed to be shouted or played incredibly angrily, I always think it's way more terrifying when someone is fuming and talks in a very calm way. I always want people to shout at me if they're angry - it freaks me out that whole thing of, 'I'm not angry I'm just disappointed.'
Sometimes when a scene is written or directed to be shouted or played incredibly angrily, I always think it's way more terrifying when someone is fuming and talks in a very calm way. I always want people to shout at me if they're angry - it freaks me out that whole thing of, 'I'm not angry I'm just disappointed.'
I trained as a ballet dancer - well, I started when I was two and a half, and was serious about it from when I was eight until I was 18.
I trained as a ballet dancer - well, I started when I was two and a half, and was serious about it from when I was eight until I was 18.
I just really think every job I do, I get this gypsy attitude to money
I just really think every job I do, I get this gypsy attitude to money
I'm hungry for a cold and mean character. I'd love it if someone thought I could play gritty. I want to play a baddie - someone really scary.
I'm hungry for a cold and mean character. I'd love it if someone thought I could play gritty. I want to play a baddie - someone really scary.
We filmed Labyrinth (2012) in South Africa for two and a half months and it was just the most unbelievable experience. Lots of sword fighting, mud in hair and lots of weeping! It's very different from 'Downton' because I was going to work and having mud put in my hair - it's the other extreme of the look!
We filmed Labyrinth (2012) in South Africa for two and a half months and it was just the most unbelievable experience. Lots of sword fighting, mud in hair and lots of weeping! It's very different from 'Downton' because I was going to work and having mud put in my hair - it's the other extreme of the look!
Girls in scripts are often pretty but brainless, or geeky and no one likes them, so it's great to find richer roles. Chalk and cheese aspects of people are very interesting to play.
Girls in scripts are often pretty but brainless, or geeky and no one likes them, so it's great to find richer roles. Chalk and cheese aspects of people are very interesting to play.
My style icons would be people like Brigitte Bardot and old Hollywood actresses who always look so stunning, cool and chic. I like classic and timeless looks.
My style icons would be people like Brigitte Bardot and old Hollywood actresses who always look so stunning, cool and chic. I like classic and timeless looks.
I'm starting to shake it off, I am quite self-conscious, and it's only when I'm playing roles that I can escape that. The older I get, the more people tell me it's absolutely fine to be the way you are with all your quirks and nuances, and I wish I'd learnt that younger - I would have relaxed a bit more.
I'm starting to shake it off, I am quite self-conscious, and it's only when I'm playing roles that I can escape that. The older I get, the more people tell me it's absolutely fine to be the way you are with all your quirks and nuances, and I wish I'd learnt that younger - I would have relaxed a bit more.
I absolutely adore Alessandra Rich, I think her dresses are stunning and she really knows how to cut and dress the female shape. Her stuff is really beautiful, stylish and a little bit quirky. I love it all!
I absolutely adore Alessandra Rich, I think her dresses are stunning and she really knows how to cut and dress the female shape. Her stuff is really beautiful, stylish and a little bit quirky. I love it all!
On the surface, it's really easy to dismiss certain characters, but sometimes you find that the most interesting parts are disappointingly shallow. It's your job as an actress to pull that person apart, and work out why they act the way that they do.
On the surface, it's really easy to dismiss certain characters, but sometimes you find that the most interesting parts are disappointingly shallow. It's your job as an actress to pull that person apart, and work out why they act the way that they do.
I'm really into strong, female roles - but they don't have to necessarily be loud - I'm just as interested in introverts too.
I'm really into strong, female roles - but they don't have to necessarily be loud - I'm just as interested in introverts too.
I remember stealing some pic n' mix when I was seven; when I got out of the shop, I burst into tears.
I remember stealing some pic n' mix when I was seven; when I got out of the shop, I burst into tears.
On Downton Abbey (2010): The first episodes I actually read for 'Downton,' Sybil was really intimidated and hadn't come into her own. So it's only in Series Two that she's become so headstrong. In general, I find it exciting to play strong, female roles because they're shocking.
On Downton Abbey (2010): The first episodes I actually read for 'Downton,' Sybil was really intimidated and hadn't come into her own. So it's only in Series Two that she's become so headstrong. In general, I find it exciting to play strong, female roles because they're shocking.
I am a hopeless romantic.
I am a hopeless romantic.
I don't mind giving everyone a shock - including myself.
I don't mind giving everyone a shock - including myself.
There's a reason hobble skirts are called hobble skirts. You literally can't move very far in them.
There's a reason hobble skirts are called hobble skirts. You literally can't move very far in them.
Unfortunately I had an ankle problem and underwent three operations.
Unfortunately I had an ankle problem and underwent three operations.
You don't automatically assume everyone will fall for a period drama.
You don't automatically assume everyone will fall for a period drama.
Everything you listen to when you are 17 should be embarrassing, otherwise you are way too cool.
Everything you listen to when you are 17 should be embarrassing, otherwise you are way too cool.
I have endless playlists on my iPod so will throw on, say, Bruce Springsteen or The Smiths, depending on what kind of day I'm going to have. When I was 13, I was playing music really loudly in my room. My dad stormed up and told me I could do one of two things: turn it down or keep the volume but play decent music.
I have endless playlists on my iPod so will throw on, say, Bruce Springsteen or The Smiths, depending on what kind of day I'm going to have. When I was 13, I was playing music really loudly in my room. My dad stormed up and told me I could do one of two things: turn it down or keep the volume but play decent music.
I shout at the radio when someone starts talking over the end of a song. Shut up! I don't want to hear that the DJ has just found a mouldy sandwich in the corner of the studio. Nor do I like it when the magic of something you're watching is shattered by an advert for Argos.
I shout at the radio when someone starts talking over the end of a song. Shut up! I don't want to hear that the DJ has just found a mouldy sandwich in the corner of the studio. Nor do I like it when the magic of something you're watching is shattered by an advert for Argos.
I trained as a ballet dancer and fell in love with Rudolf Nureyev; I thought him the most beautiful creature. My mum had to break it to me that not only was he gay, but he was dead.
I trained as a ballet dancer and fell in love with Rudolf Nureyev; I thought him the most beautiful creature. My mum had to break it to me that not only was he gay, but he was dead.
The thing I adore about acting is that it's not me: you get to experience all these emotions, but essentially it's not you.
The thing I adore about acting is that it's not me: you get to experience all these emotions, but essentially it's not you.
The X Factor (2004) makes my toes curl. It reminds me of Victorian freak shows.
The X Factor (2004) makes my toes curl. It reminds me of Victorian freak shows.
Jessica Brown Findlay
Jessica Brown Findlay is an English actress. She was born in Cookham, Berkshire, to Beverley, a teacher's aid and nurse, and Christopher Brown-Findlay, who works in finance. She is of Scottish and English descent.Jessica trained with the National Youth Ballet and the Associates of the Royal Ballet. At age 15, she was invited to dance with the Kirov at the Royal Opera House for a summer season. She is best known for playing Lady Sybil Crawley in ITV's Downton Abbey and Emelia Conan-Doyle in the British comedy-drama Albatross.

Jessica Brown Findlay Filmography

Playing Nice - Season 1
The Jonathan Ross Show - Season 22
The Jonathan Ross Show - Season 21
Black Mirror - Season 6
The Jonathan Ross Show - Season 20
The Flatshare - Season 1
Life After Life - Season 1
Munich: The Edge of War
The Jonathan Ross Show - Season 19
The Hanging Sun
Iris Warriors
Castlevania - Season 4
The Jonathan Ross Show - Season 18
The Jonathan Ross Show - Season 17
Monster Family 2

Jessica Brown Findlay Roles

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