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Joe Maggard
8 December 1955
183 cm
Joe Maggard
Joe Maggard was born in the small Applachian coal-town of Lynch Kentucky. At the age of 5 he moved with his family to southeastern North Carolina. When he was 16 years old he dove into a local lake and broke his neck. Maggard spent almost a year in the hospital with 2 metal spikes drilled into his skull and laying on a foster-frame. He was paralyzed for a period of time but regained the use of his legs and eventually served from 1974-76 in the US Army overseas during the last days of the Vietnam War. After that Maggard became a Deputy Sheriff with the Brunswick County North Carolina Sheriff's Dept. During work as a Cop Maggard took to the Stage as an actor at historic Thalian Hall in Wilmington, North Carolina. He has appeared in more than 20 legitimate Theater Productions such as Mr. Roberts, Oklamhoma and his critically-acclaimed one-man show Rattlesnake in a Cooler. As fate would have it, Dino DeLaurentis came to Wilmington in the mid 1980s and built a movie studio with his future wife Martha DeLaurentis. Maggard worked as Security on DeLaurentis's first feature film in Wilmington, Steven King's Firestarter. Maggard left law enforcement after three years to pursue his dream of acting in films and television. He worked in many feature films in many different departments over the next few years, working with some of the biggest names in the business. Maggard credits Theater with honing his acting talent and giving him the chance to practice in front of live audiences. His first speaking role came in a Film directed by Mike Hodges-Black Rainbow with Jason Robards and Roseanne Arquette. During the mid 1990s Maggard was hired to double the famous clown Ronald McDonald in television commercials. During filming he was asked to step in to the Role of Ronald McDonald due to the illness of the other Ronald. His latest project is a book/film entitled The Bozo Syndrome about his adventures as a Cop/Actor/Clown.

Joe Maggard Filmography

Bastard out of Carolina
American Gothic - Season 1 (1995)
Matlock - Season 9
One Christmas
Matlock - Season 8
Matlock - Season 7
Love Field
Matlock - Season 6
Matlock - Season 5
Matlock - Season 4
Black Rainbow
The Wonderful World of Disney - Season 33
Matlock - Season 3
Matlock - Season 2
Matlock - Season 1
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