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Mike Messier
189 cm
"I did discover in these early projects that it can be difficult to write something and allow someone else to direct it. Their choices may be great ones, but if the vision is different than the writer's, even in a small way, then this can lead to conflict, either with the production itself or inner turmoil within the mind and soul of the writer, and writers ...
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"I did discover in these early projects that it can be difficult to write something and allow someone else to direct it. Their choices may be great ones, but if the vision is different than the writer's, even in a small way, then this can lead to conflict, either with the production itself or inner turmoil within the mind and soul of the writer, and writers have enough inner turmoil as it is. I mention this because I think it's an important lesson; if one is capable of writing, then that same writer might and even perhaps does "owe it to himself/herself" to also direct the project. This is from my own experience, others will feel differently. I know that every project is unique and some writers simply do not want to or are not equipped to direct, but for those that have a feeling they "could" or "should" direct, I would encourage them to give it a shot and see what happens." from the article/interview "All About Mike Messier" by Jaime Reborn, April 14, 2016
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Mike Messier
Mike Messier has won 13 awards in film and TV. Messier has shared scenes with Meryl Streep & Elisabeth Shue (in Hope Springs), Wesley Snipes, Cybill Shepherd & Mario Van Peeble (in Hard Luck), Richard Jenkins & Frances McDormand (in Olive Kitteridge), Sully Erna (from Godsmack), Pro Wrestlers Kevin Nash, Raven, Mike Bennett and Christina Robinson (in Anders Manor). Mike has performed on stage for various groups including Daydream Theater and Murder on Us, a comedy ensemble.Mike studied Acting and Directing under Barry Primus (of Cagney & Lacey, Boxcar Bertha, American Hustle), Steve Fierberg (DP of Entourage, Love and Other Drugs), and Tom Kane (First Assistant Director of Kramer vs. Kramer) among others. Based on these experiences, Mike created and developed both C.O.R.E. A.C.T.I.N.G. - and intense scene study and character develop class - and Tao Zen Acting, an integrated approach to acting and life/work skills.Messier's work as Writer/Director/Producer includes the the award winning short films Thanksgiving, The Actor, and The Nature of the Flame.Mike recently won two Screenwriting Awards for Fight or Play Basketball, a coming of age story about a young man with a gift for sports, his single mom, and two Professional Boxer who come into their lives. The awards come from Rhode Island International Film Festival and the Mediterranean Film Festival (MedFF) . The same script was a semi-finalist in LAs CineStory script contest.Mike wrote and directed the stage play Orlandis and his Puppets without Strings and the feature length film Blood! Sugar! Sid! Ace! which has a distinct theatrical feel. Mike's TV show Messier Mantra airs in the Boston and Rhode Island cable outlets and can easily be found on vimeo, with a new outlet on Roku starting January, 2017. Mantra is an interview show with discussions with filmmakers, Actors and holistic healers.In addition, Mike's Messier Moments are on-location interviews featuring Maria Kanellis (WWE Diva of the year 2009) boxer Vinny Paz (subject matter of Martin Scorsese's Bleed for This), acclaimed stage and film Actor Jonathon Silverman among others.Mike recently worked as the lead writer on the feature horror film Anders Manor, shot in Rhode Island during Halloween season 2016, with a 100K budget from producer Tommy DeNucci of Woodhaven Media and 2 Cousins Productions. Mike also plays "Ole Bayton" in the film.Disregard the Vampire - a Mike Messier Documentary, a most recent finished work, has been praised as "Brilliant work here by Messier... a mandatory experience" by critic Andrew Buckner of A Word of Dreams. "Disregard" is being sent to festivals who qualify for Oscar consideration for short documentary (under 40 minutes).In 2017, Messier began work with Boston's Play In A Day Festival as a contributing writer, director and host.Meanwhile, Messier Mantra, a TV interview show, aired on Vimeo originally is scheduled to be on ROKU in 2017.Mike's website www.mikemessier.com has frequent updates and various works.

Mike Messier Filmography

Johnny and Clyde
Mr. Birthday
Anders Manor (The Manor)
Bleed for This
Christmas All Over Again
Olive Kitteridge - Season 1
Hope Springs
The Invention of Lying
Hard Luck
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