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Richard Maibaum
26 May 1909
I think it's better to live simply and I've never been interested in any kind of ostentation. Except for one period of six weeks, I've never had a publicity agent. If an opportunity like this comes to say what's on my mind or in my heart and I find a receptive, sympathetic person to talk to, then I do it.
I think it's better to live simply and I've never been interested in any kind of ostentation. Except for one period of six weeks, I've never had a publicity agent. If an opportunity like this comes to say what's on my mind or in my heart and I find a receptive, sympathetic person to talk to, then I do it.
Richard Maibaum
The name is "Maibaum, Richard Maibaum".....the brilliant screenwriter who adapted the Ian Fleming 007 novels into the highly entertaining screenplays of nearly every James Bond film from Dr. No (1962) through to Licence to Kill (1989). Maibaum attended New York University, then studied acting at the University of Iowa. By the time he was in his late twenties, Maibaum was a well established Broadway actor and playwright. He entered films as a screenwriter in 1937, spending the war years with the army's Combat Film Division. In 1946, he joined Paramount as both screenwriter and producer, contributing to such films as The Big Clock (1948) & The Great Gatsby (1949). From advice that making films abroad was an excellent tax shelter, Maibaum formed a partnership in the 1950s with producers Irving Allen and Albert R. Broccoli This led to his involvement in the phenomenally successful James Bond series of the 1960s and 1970s and, after Ian Fleming, Maibaum has arguably been the person most responsible for shaping the image of the screen's most famous spy!

Richard Maibaum Filmography

Licence To Kill (james Bond 007)
The Living Daylights (james Bond 007)
Octopussy (james Bond 007)
For Your Eyes Only (james Bond 007)
The Spy Who Loved Me (james Bond 007)
The Man With The Golden Gun (james Bond 007)
Diamonds Are Forever (james Bond 007)
On Her Majestys Secret Service (james Bond 007)
Thunderball (James Bond 007)
Goldfinger (James Bond 007)
From Russia With Love (james Bond 007)
Dr. No (James Bond 007)
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