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Saginaw Grant
20 July 1936
Birth Name:
Morgan Saginaw Grant
Saginaw Grant
Saginaw is the Hereditary Chief and a respected member of the Sac and Fox, Iowa and Otoe-Missouria Nations.In 1936, Saginaw Morgan Grant was born to Sarah and Austin Grant Sr. at Pawnee Indian Hospital in Pawnee, Oklahoma. He was raised on a farm in Cushing, Oklahoma with two brothers and one sister. Having a traditional upbringing by both parents, Saginaw was especially influenced by his grandparents. His grandfather Kirvin was a strong medicine man and his other grandfather Saginaw (whom he is named after) was also a very spiritual man. They taught Saginaw their customs, culture, and traditions and the importance of their way of life. As a result, Saginaw witnessed many special ceremonies and events taught to very few.As a young adult, Saginaw experienced all situations, both good and bad, which every young person faces in today's society, yet he overcame the obstacles that challenged him, and with that he found the courage to become the man he is today.During his life in Oklahoma he took on employment in various industries such as dry cleaning, also gaining a better understanding of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and other vocations in which he enjoyed interacting with people. This gave him the opportunity to learn about different philosophies, beliefs and religions.He resides in the Southern California area. Where he is called upon for counseling, lectures, and family events, while also pursuing his acting career.He adopted Actress and Activist Mariana Tosca to be his daughter and a member of the Sac and Fox, Iowa and Otoe-Missouria tribes.

Saginaw Grant Filmography

American Horror Story - Season 12
American Horror Story - Season 11
American Horror Story - Season 10
Shameless - Season 11
Shameless - Season 10
Veep - Season 7
American Horror Story - Season 9
Baskets - Season 4
Valley of the Gods
Shameless - Season 9
American Horror Story - Season 8
Baskets - Season 3
Shameless - Season 8
Veep - Season 6
Workaholics - Season 7

Saginaw Grant Roles

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