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Stephen King
21 September 1947
Birth Name:
Stephen Edwin King
193 cm
Sometimes human places create inhuman monsters.
Sometimes human places create inhuman monsters.
Art is meant to be a support system for life, and not the other way around.
Art is meant to be a support system for life, and not the other way around.
You can take my gun, but you will have to prise my book from my cold, dead hands.
You can take my gun, but you will have to prise my book from my cold, dead hands.
Frontispiece to "On Writing": Honesty is the Best Policy - Benjamin Franklin. Liars Prosper - Anonymous.
Frontispiece to "On Writing": Honesty is the Best Policy - Benjamin Franklin. Liars Prosper - Anonymous.
People change. The man who wrote Doctor Sleep is very different from the well-meaning alcoholic who wrote The Shining, but both remain interested in the same thing: telling a kickass story. I enjoyed finding Danny Torrance again and following his adventures. I hope you did too. If that's the case, Constant Reader, we're all good.
People change. The man who wrote Doctor Sleep is very different from the well-meaning alcoholic who wrote The Shining, but both remain interested in the same thing: telling a kickass story. I enjoyed finding Danny Torrance again and following his adventures. I hope you did too. If that's the case, Constant Reader, we're all good.
[syrup] Soothing.
[syrup] Soothing.
[on Psycho (1960)] They remember the first time they experienced Janet Leigh, and no remake or sequel can do that moment when the curtain is pulled back and the knife starts to do its work.
[on Psycho (1960)] They remember the first time they experienced Janet Leigh, and no remake or sequel can do that moment when the curtain is pulled back and the knife starts to do its work.
[from his dedication in his novel Doctor Sleep] My wife also read Doctor Sleep and helped to make it better. I love you, Tabitha. Thanks to you guys and girls who read my stuff, too. May you have long days and pleasant nights. Let me close with a word of caution: when you're on the turnpikes and freeways of America, watch out for those Winnebagos and Bounder...
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[from his dedication in his novel Doctor Sleep] My wife also read Doctor Sleep and helped to make it better. I love you, Tabitha. Thanks to you guys and girls who read my stuff, too. May you have long days and pleasant nights. Let me close with a word of caution: when you're on the turnpikes and freeways of America, watch out for those Winnebagos and Bounders. You never know who might be inside. Or what.
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I always thought to myself you look like an Irishman and you've got the Irish imagination. I've always had that appreciation for fairies and ogres and boggarts.
I always thought to myself you look like an Irishman and you've got the Irish imagination. I've always had that appreciation for fairies and ogres and boggarts.
[his real surname Pollock] Doesn't have the same ring to it.
[his real surname Pollock] Doesn't have the same ring to it.
[his children Owen, Joe and Rachel] They're good kids.
[his children Owen, Joe and Rachel] They're good kids.
[the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918] It could almost be out of a horror novel that I wrote.
[the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918] It could almost be out of a horror novel that I wrote.
Information always leads to more questions, where you say to yourself yes but I want to know.
Information always leads to more questions, where you say to yourself yes but I want to know.
[after a DNA test] I'm 99% European, baby!
[after a DNA test] I'm 99% European, baby!
[after learning new things about his heritage] Wow.
[after learning new things about his heritage] Wow.
[discovering your roots] I'm set back on my heels by this whole process. Like having a stage and turning on different lights so you see things you never saw before. It's a lot to contemplate.
[discovering your roots] I'm set back on my heels by this whole process. Like having a stage and turning on different lights so you see things you never saw before. It's a lot to contemplate.
[when discovering his roots] Thankyou.
[when discovering his roots] Thankyou.
[slaves] They didn't like it on a moral basis.
[slaves] They didn't like it on a moral basis.
I've always been curious about what my past was.
I've always been curious about what my past was.
I grew up interested in nightmares, scary stories and things that go bump in the night.
I grew up interested in nightmares, scary stories and things that go bump in the night.
I'll never be able to play like Keith Richards, but I always did my best. I always had a blast.
I'll never be able to play like Keith Richards, but I always did my best. I always had a blast.
I have a short leash when people ask where I come from.
I have a short leash when people ask where I come from.
[while writing Doctor Sleep] I didn't know what was gonna happen. I never know.
[while writing Doctor Sleep] I didn't know what was gonna happen. I never know.
[finding out Tennessee was a huge slave state] I didn't know that.
[finding out Tennessee was a huge slave state] I didn't know that.
It's interesting to me to know that I have Southern roots. I had no idea. No idea of that.
It's interesting to me to know that I have Southern roots. I had no idea. No idea of that.
[not wanting to be a slave] Its good. Something to be proud of.
[not wanting to be a slave] Its good. Something to be proud of.
A lot of people did serve in the Civil War.
A lot of people did serve in the Civil War.
[Tennessee in the Civil War] The right side.
[Tennessee in the Civil War] The right side.
I like to think I'm still pretty good at what I do, but nothing can live up to the memory of a good scare, and I mean nothing, especially if administered to one who is young and impressionable.
I like to think I'm still pretty good at what I do, but nothing can live up to the memory of a good scare, and I mean nothing, especially if administered to one who is young and impressionable.
[alcoholics trying to get by without AA] White-knuckle sobriety.
[alcoholics trying to get by without AA] White-knuckle sobriety.
[Doctor Sleep, his sequel to The Shining] The true history of the Torrance family.
[Doctor Sleep, his sequel to The Shining] The true history of the Torrance family.
The Shining is one of those novels people always mention (along with Salem's Lot, Pet Semetary, and It) when they talk about which of my books really scared the bejesus out of them.
The Shining is one of those novels people always mention (along with Salem's Lot, Pet Semetary, and It) when they talk about which of my books really scared the bejesus out of them.
If you look too closely you might see something you don't like.
If you look too closely you might see something you don't like.
Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us - and sometimes they win.
Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us - and sometimes they win.
Why can't a story just be a story?
Why can't a story just be a story?
If you are not careful and diligent about defending the right of your children to read, there won't be much left, especially at the junior-high level where kids really begin to develop a lively life of the mind, but books about heroic boys who come off the bench to hit home runs in the bottom of the ninth and shy girls with good personalities who finally get...
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If you are not careful and diligent about defending the right of your children to read, there won't be much left, especially at the junior-high level where kids really begin to develop a lively life of the mind, but books about heroic boys who come off the bench to hit home runs in the bottom of the ninth and shy girls with good personalities who finally get that big prom date with the boy of their dreams. Is this what you want for your kids, keeping in mind that controversy and surprise -- sometimes even shock -- are often the whetstone on which young minds are sharpened?
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[on why he became a writer] The answer to that is fairly simple - there was nothing else I was made to do. I was made to write stories and I love to write stories. That's why I do it. I really can't imagine doing anything else and I can't imagine not doing what I do.
[on why he became a writer] The answer to that is fairly simple - there was nothing else I was made to do. I was made to write stories and I love to write stories. That's why I do it. I really can't imagine doing anything else and I can't imagine not doing what I do.
I'm writing but I'm writing at a much slower pace than previously and I think that if I come up with something really, really good, I would be perfectly willing to publish it because that still feels like the final act of the creative process, publishing it so people can read it and you can get feedback and people can talk about it with each other and with y...
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I'm writing but I'm writing at a much slower pace than previously and I think that if I come up with something really, really good, I would be perfectly willing to publish it because that still feels like the final act of the creative process, publishing it so people can read it and you can get feedback and people can talk about it with each other and with you, the writer, but the force of my invention has slowed down a lot over the years and that's as it should be. I'm not a kid of 25 anymore and I'm not a young middle-aged man of 35 anymore-I have grandchildren and I have a lot of things to do besides writing and that in and of itself is a wonderful thing but writing is still a big, important part of my life and of everyday.
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I get my ideas from everywhere. But what all of my ideas boil down to is seeing maybe one thing, but in a lot of cases it's seeing two things and having them come together in some new and interesting way, and then adding the question 'What if?' 'What if' is always the key question.
I get my ideas from everywhere. But what all of my ideas boil down to is seeing maybe one thing, but in a lot of cases it's seeing two things and having them come together in some new and interesting way, and then adding the question 'What if?' 'What if' is always the key question.
Any one who thought high school was the best time of their life is totally fucked up.
Any one who thought high school was the best time of their life is totally fucked up.
I believe everyone is mentally ill. All people angrily screw up their faces like children or talk to themselves when they think nobody's looking.
I believe everyone is mentally ill. All people angrily screw up their faces like children or talk to themselves when they think nobody's looking.
I can't think of any books right now that would be comparable to The Exorcist (1973).
I can't think of any books right now that would be comparable to The Exorcist (1973).
Once you get to a certain age you've got to try expanding your field. You've got to try new things, and if you don't you tend to get conservative. I always say you dig yourself a rut and then you furnish it.
Once you get to a certain age you've got to try expanding your field. You've got to try new things, and if you don't you tend to get conservative. I always say you dig yourself a rut and then you furnish it.
Making people believe the unbelievable is no trick; it's work... Belief and reader absorption come in the details: An overturned tricycle in the gutter of an abandoned neighborhood can stand for everything.
Making people believe the unbelievable is no trick; it's work... Belief and reader absorption come in the details: An overturned tricycle in the gutter of an abandoned neighborhood can stand for everything.
[Neil] Gaiman is simply put, a treasure-house of story, and we're lucky to have him.
[Neil] Gaiman is simply put, a treasure-house of story, and we're lucky to have him.
When asked why am I so prolific, I say it's because I'm not dead or divorced.
When asked why am I so prolific, I say it's because I'm not dead or divorced.
[about On Writing] Its like the town whore trying to teach women how to behave.
[about On Writing] Its like the town whore trying to teach women how to behave.
[about retiring] You know how when you're on the turnpike on a hot day, and you always seem to see water at the horizon? That's my year off, right there! Whenever I get there, its always a little further along.
[about retiring] You know how when you're on the turnpike on a hot day, and you always seem to see water at the horizon? That's my year off, right there! Whenever I get there, its always a little further along.
[why he likes having peripheral vision] The part I want to keep, as a man and as a writer, is what I see out of the corners.
[why he likes having peripheral vision] The part I want to keep, as a man and as a writer, is what I see out of the corners.
[on his fear of flying] The flight you have to be afraid of is the flight where there's nobody on who's afraid of flying.
[on his fear of flying] The flight you have to be afraid of is the flight where there's nobody on who's afraid of flying.
I have a permanent address in the people's republic of paranoia.
I have a permanent address in the people's republic of paranoia.
I'm afraid of everything.
I'm afraid of everything.
The worst advice I've ever received is don't listen to the critics. I think you should, because sometimes they're telling you something is broken that you can fix. None of us like critics, but if they're saying something's a piece of shit, they're right.
The worst advice I've ever received is don't listen to the critics. I think you should, because sometimes they're telling you something is broken that you can fix. None of us like critics, but if they're saying something's a piece of shit, they're right.
My writing is more effective now I'm sober, and I feel more creative. I went through a period where I felt a bit flat, like a cup of Seltzer water where all the bubbles have departed. But now I feel like myself again, only with wrinkles.
My writing is more effective now I'm sober, and I feel more creative. I went through a period where I felt a bit flat, like a cup of Seltzer water where all the bubbles have departed. But now I feel like myself again, only with wrinkles.
Charity begins at home.
Charity begins at home.
The day that I deny my identity, the day I'm not who I say I am, is the day I quit the business forever. Close up shop, turn off the word processor, and never write another word. Because if the price of what you do is a loss of your identity, its time to stop.
The day that I deny my identity, the day I'm not who I say I am, is the day I quit the business forever. Close up shop, turn off the word processor, and never write another word. Because if the price of what you do is a loss of your identity, its time to stop.
The appeal of horror has always been consistent. People like to slow down and look at the accident. That's the bottom line.
The appeal of horror has always been consistent. People like to slow down and look at the accident. That's the bottom line.
I'm never sure why people are interested in my life when there are more interesting people in the world.
I'm never sure why people are interested in my life when there are more interesting people in the world.
There's always a market for shit. Just look at Jeffrey Archer. He writes like old people fuck.
There's always a market for shit. Just look at Jeffrey Archer. He writes like old people fuck.
Give away a dime for every dollar you make, because if you don't, the government's gonna take it.
Give away a dime for every dollar you make, because if you don't, the government's gonna take it.
Good work gets better when its read aloud, and bad work is mercilessly exposed. Its like shining a strong light on facial structure. Even good makeup won't hide bad writing.
Good work gets better when its read aloud, and bad work is mercilessly exposed. Its like shining a strong light on facial structure. Even good makeup won't hide bad writing.
I'm the hood ornament of the Remainders.
I'm the hood ornament of the Remainders.
My brains used to work better. I wrote something last week and I looked at it the other day and thought it familiar, so I went back 100 pages and found I had duplicated myself. Paging Dr Alzheimer.
My brains used to work better. I wrote something last week and I looked at it the other day and thought it familiar, so I went back 100 pages and found I had duplicated myself. Paging Dr Alzheimer.
I have nightmares when I'm not working. What doesn't come out on the page just comes out some other way.
I have nightmares when I'm not working. What doesn't come out on the page just comes out some other way.
All those addictive substances are part of the bad side of what we do. Writing is an addiction for me. Even when its not going well, if I don't do it, the fact that I'm not doing it nags at me.
All those addictive substances are part of the bad side of what we do. Writing is an addiction for me. Even when its not going well, if I don't do it, the fact that I'm not doing it nags at me.
[on his fear of the number 13] The number 13 never fails to trace that old icy finger up and down my spine. When I'm writing, I'll never stop work if the page number is 13 or a multiple of 13; I'll just keep on typing till I get to a safe number. I always take the last two steps on my back stairs as one, making 13 into 12. There were after all 13 steps on th...
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[on his fear of the number 13] The number 13 never fails to trace that old icy finger up and down my spine. When I'm writing, I'll never stop work if the page number is 13 or a multiple of 13; I'll just keep on typing till I get to a safe number. I always take the last two steps on my back stairs as one, making 13 into 12. There were after all 13 steps on the English gallows up until 1900 or so. When I'm reading, I won't stop on page 94, 193, or 382, since the sums of these numbers add up to 13.
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[his religious beliefs] I've always believed in God. I also think that the capacity to believe is the sort of thing that either comes as part of your equipment, or at some point in your life when you're in a position where you actually need help from a power greater than yourself. You simply make an agreement to believe in God because it will make your life ...
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[his religious beliefs] I've always believed in God. I also think that the capacity to believe is the sort of thing that either comes as part of your equipment, or at some point in your life when you're in a position where you actually need help from a power greater than yourself. You simply make an agreement to believe in God because it will make your life easier and richer to believe than not to believe. So I choose to believe.
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[writing outside the horror genre] Writing on a non-supernatural level is like learning to talk after you've had a stroke.
[writing outside the horror genre] Writing on a non-supernatural level is like learning to talk after you've had a stroke.
People ask me when are you going to write something serious, but that's a question that hurts. That's like walking up to a Black man and asking how it feels to be a nigger.
People ask me when are you going to write something serious, but that's a question that hurts. That's like walking up to a Black man and asking how it feels to be a nigger.
You should do sex, never write about it.
You should do sex, never write about it.
[on his past career as a teacher] Teaching school is like having jumper cables hooked to your ears, draining all the juice out of you.
[on his past career as a teacher] Teaching school is like having jumper cables hooked to your ears, draining all the juice out of you.
I'm the Big Mac of authors.
I'm the Big Mac of authors.
One of the reasons that I live in Bangor is because if somebody wants to get to me, they have to be really dedicated.
One of the reasons that I live in Bangor is because if somebody wants to get to me, they have to be really dedicated.
As a kid, I didn't talk much, I wrote. I'm not used to externalizing my thoughts other than on paper, which is typical of writers.
As a kid, I didn't talk much, I wrote. I'm not used to externalizing my thoughts other than on paper, which is typical of writers.
Book tours are like a pillow fight with all the pillows treated with low-grade poison gas.
Book tours are like a pillow fight with all the pillows treated with low-grade poison gas.
Writing is the only thing I'm good at. I could never do another job.
Writing is the only thing I'm good at. I could never do another job.
[on cocaine] One snort, and it owned me body and soul.
[on cocaine] One snort, and it owned me body and soul.
[his novel, The Stand] My "Lord of the Rings" of the American landscape.
[his novel, The Stand] My "Lord of the Rings" of the American landscape.
A short story is like a stick of dynamite with a tiny fuse; you light and that's the end.
A short story is like a stick of dynamite with a tiny fuse; you light and that's the end.
You have to be a little nuts to be a writer because you have to imagine world's that aren't there.
You have to be a little nuts to be a writer because you have to imagine world's that aren't there.
Never write a book whose manuscript is bigger than your own head.
Never write a book whose manuscript is bigger than your own head.
Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
Having kids allows you to finish off your own childhood, but from a more mature perspective.
Having kids allows you to finish off your own childhood, but from a more mature perspective.
[why he disliked Jack Nicholson in The Shining (1980)] Jack Torrance as written was someone who was a nice guy that then went over the edge, not someone who flew the cuckoo's nest from the outset. There was no moral struggle at all.
[why he disliked Jack Nicholson in The Shining (1980)] Jack Torrance as written was someone who was a nice guy that then went over the edge, not someone who flew the cuckoo's nest from the outset. There was no moral struggle at all.
I was addicted for most of the 80s. Its not a terribly long time to be an addict, but it lasted longer than WW2.
I was addicted for most of the 80s. Its not a terribly long time to be an addict, but it lasted longer than WW2.
Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength, and doing what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is how important it is to have a boyfriend.
Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength, and doing what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is how important it is to have a boyfriend.
(About seeing Carrie (1976) for the first time) In the row in front of us there were two huge African-American men. Two-hundred and fifty pounders at least. They're screaming like children. They're grabbing each other around the neck and one of them says to the other one, "That's it, that's it. She ain't never gonna be right". And I looked at my wife and I s...
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(About seeing Carrie (1976) for the first time) In the row in front of us there were two huge African-American men. Two-hundred and fifty pounders at least. They're screaming like children. They're grabbing each other around the neck and one of them says to the other one, "That's it, that's it. She ain't never gonna be right". And I looked at my wife and I said this movie's gonna be huge.
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I'm in the supermarket one day with my cart, and there's this woman, about 95. She says, 'I know who you are. You write those stories, those awful horror stories . . . I don't like that. I like uplifting movies like that 'Shawshank Redemption'. So I said, 'I wrote that.' And she said, 'No, you didn't.' And that was it. Talk about surreal. I went to myself, f...
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I'm in the supermarket one day with my cart, and there's this woman, about 95. She says, 'I know who you are. You write those stories, those awful horror stories . . . I don't like that. I like uplifting movies like that 'Shawshank Redemption'. So I said, 'I wrote that.' And she said, 'No, you didn't.' And that was it. Talk about surreal. I went to myself, for a minute, 'It's not very much like my other stuff. Maybe I didn't write it!'
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You can still reconcile the idea that things are not necessarily going to go well without falling back on platitudes like "God has a plan" and "This is for the greater good."
You can still reconcile the idea that things are not necessarily going to go well without falling back on platitudes like "God has a plan" and "This is for the greater good."
When Robert Bloch died, the only thing that anybody really remembered about him was that he wrote Psycho (1960), which became the famous Alfred Hitchcock movie. And whenever I'm introduced, I'm the guy that wrote "The Stand". When my name comes up in the blogs these days, it's usually in relation to H1N1: "He was the guy who thought about the flu!"
When Robert Bloch died, the only thing that anybody really remembered about him was that he wrote Psycho (1960), which became the famous Alfred Hitchcock movie. And whenever I'm introduced, I'm the guy that wrote "The Stand". When my name comes up in the blogs these days, it's usually in relation to H1N1: "He was the guy who thought about the flu!"
I didn't believe there was justification for going into the war in Iraq. And it just seemed at the time, that in the wake of 9/11, the [George W. Bush] Administration was like this angry kid walking down the street who couldn't find whoever sucker-punched him, and so turned around and punched the first likely suspect. Sometimes the sublimely wrong people can...
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I didn't believe there was justification for going into the war in Iraq. And it just seemed at the time, that in the wake of 9/11, the [George W. Bush] Administration was like this angry kid walking down the street who couldn't find whoever sucker-punched him, and so turned around and punched the first likely suspect. Sometimes the sublimely wrong people can be in power at a time when you really need the right people.
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[on the death of Michael Jackson] Strange man. Lost man. And not unique in his passing. Like James Dean, Elvis Presley, Kurt Cobain, Heath Ledger, and a dozen others we could name, he just left the building far too soon. Because, man oh man, that guy could dance.
[on the death of Michael Jackson] Strange man. Lost man. And not unique in his passing. Like James Dean, Elvis Presley, Kurt Cobain, Heath Ledger, and a dozen others we could name, he just left the building far too soon. Because, man oh man, that guy could dance.
I know a few writers who claim not to read reviews, and I actually believe one of these individuals. I am the opposite: I anticipate bad reviews and brood over them when they come. But then I just kill a few children and old ladies and I'm right as a trivet again.
I know a few writers who claim not to read reviews, and I actually believe one of these individuals. I am the opposite: I anticipate bad reviews and brood over them when they come. But then I just kill a few children and old ladies and I'm right as a trivet again.
[from his acceptance speech for the National Book Foundation's Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters, 2003] I salute the National Book Foundation Board, who took a huge risk in giving this award to a man many people see as a rich hack.
[from his acceptance speech for the National Book Foundation's Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters, 2003] I salute the National Book Foundation Board, who took a huge risk in giving this award to a man many people see as a rich hack.
[on film adaptations of his work] I don't feel any urge to control after I sign a piece of paper. I say, "See you later. You have what you need and I have what I want. As long as the check doesn't bounce, you and I are quits."
[on film adaptations of his work] I don't feel any urge to control after I sign a piece of paper. I say, "See you later. You have what you need and I have what I want. As long as the check doesn't bounce, you and I are quits."
[on directing Maximum Overdrive (1986)] I didn't get the job because I went to film school. I got the job because I'm Stephen King. If you become famous enough, they'll let you hang yourself in Times Square with live TV coverage.
[on directing Maximum Overdrive (1986)] I didn't get the job because I went to film school. I got the job because I'm Stephen King. If you become famous enough, they'll let you hang yourself in Times Square with live TV coverage.
Books and movies are like apples and oranges. They both are fruit but taste completely different.
Books and movies are like apples and oranges. They both are fruit but taste completely different.
I've had a deal for years with Castle Rock Entertainment that goes back to Stand by Me (1986). I have told them that you can have my work for a buck. What I want from you is script approval, director approval, cast approval, and I want to have the authority to push the stop button at any point regardless of how much money you [the production company] have in...
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I've had a deal for years with Castle Rock Entertainment that goes back to Stand by Me (1986). I have told them that you can have my work for a buck. What I want from you is script approval, director approval, cast approval, and I want to have the authority to push the stop button at any point regardless of how much money you [the production company] have invested, because none of the money you have put in has gone into my pocket. What I get on the back end, if things work out, is 5% from dollar one.
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Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.
Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.
If you wrote something for which someone sent you a check, if you cashed the check and it didn't bounce, and if you then paid the light bill with the money, I consider you talented.
If you wrote something for which someone sent you a check, if you cashed the check and it didn't bounce, and if you then paid the light bill with the money, I consider you talented.
I know writers who claim not to read their notices, or not to be hurt by the bad ones if they do, and I actually believe two of these individuals. I'm one of the other kind - I obsess over the possibility of bad reviews and brood over them when they come. But they don't get me down for long; I just kill a few children and old ladies, and then I'm right as a ...
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I know writers who claim not to read their notices, or not to be hurt by the bad ones if they do, and I actually believe two of these individuals. I'm one of the other kind - I obsess over the possibility of bad reviews and brood over them when they come. But they don't get me down for long; I just kill a few children and old ladies, and then I'm right as a trivet again.
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I love the movies, and when I go to see a movie that's been made from one of my books, I know that it isn't going to be exactly like my novel because a lot of other people have interpreted it. But I also know it has an idea that I'll like because that idea occurred to me, and I spent a year, or a year and a half of my life working on it.
I love the movies, and when I go to see a movie that's been made from one of my books, I know that it isn't going to be exactly like my novel because a lot of other people have interpreted it. But I also know it has an idea that I'll like because that idea occurred to me, and I spent a year, or a year and a half of my life working on it.
Like anything else that happens on its own, the act of writing is beyond currency. Money is great stuff to have, but when it comes to the act of creation, the best thing is not to think of money too much. It constipates the whole process.
Like anything else that happens on its own, the act of writing is beyond currency. Money is great stuff to have, but when it comes to the act of creation, the best thing is not to think of money too much. It constipates the whole process.
If you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write.
If you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write.
Rob Reiner, who made Stand by Me (1986), is one of the bravest, smartest filmmakers I have ever met, and I'm proud of my association with him. I am also mused to note that the company Mr. Reiner formed following the success of "Stand By Me" is Castle Rock Productions . . . a name with which many of my longtime readers will be familiar.
Rob Reiner, who made Stand by Me (1986), is one of the bravest, smartest filmmakers I have ever met, and I'm proud of my association with him. I am also mused to note that the company Mr. Reiner formed following the success of "Stand By Me" is Castle Rock Productions . . . a name with which many of my longtime readers will be familiar.
[on playing the role of Jordy Verrill in Creepshow (1982)] If I had written it for myself, I would have put in at least one sex scene!
[on playing the role of Jordy Verrill in Creepshow (1982)] If I had written it for myself, I would have put in at least one sex scene!
[asked why he hasn't personally directed more movies] Just watch Maximum Overdrive (1986).
[asked why he hasn't personally directed more movies] Just watch Maximum Overdrive (1986).
People want to know why I do this, why I write such gross stuff. I like to tell them I have the heart of a small boy... and I keep it in a jar on my desk.
People want to know why I do this, why I write such gross stuff. I like to tell them I have the heart of a small boy... and I keep it in a jar on my desk.
For every six crappy poems you read, you'll actually find one or two good ones. And that, believe me, is a very acceptable ratio of trash to treasure.
For every six crappy poems you read, you'll actually find one or two good ones. And that, believe me, is a very acceptable ratio of trash to treasure.
I am the literary equivalent of a Big Mac and fries.
I am the literary equivalent of a Big Mac and fries.
I recognize terror as the finest emotion and so I will try to terrorize the reader. But if I find that I cannot terrify, I will try to horrify, and if I find that I cannot horrify, I'll go for the gross-out. I'm not proud.
I recognize terror as the finest emotion and so I will try to terrorize the reader. But if I find that I cannot terrify, I will try to horrify, and if I find that I cannot horrify, I'll go for the gross-out. I'm not proud.
When asked, "How do you write?", I invariably answer, "One word at a time".
When asked, "How do you write?", I invariably answer, "One word at a time".
Each life makes its own imitation of immortality.
Each life makes its own imitation of immortality.
I'm a salami writer. I try to write good salami, but salami is salami.
I'm a salami writer. I try to write good salami, but salami is salami.
I've killed enough of the world's trees.
I've killed enough of the world's trees.
Stephen King
Stephen Edwin King was born on September 21, 1947, at the Maine General Hospital in Portland. His parents were Nellie Ruth (Pillsbury), who worked as a caregiver at a mental institute, and Donald Edwin King, a merchant seaman. His father was born under the surname "Pollock", but used the last name "King", under which Stephen was born. He has an older brother, David. The Kings were a typical family until one night, when Donald said he was stepping out for cigarettes and was never heard from again. Ruth took over raising the family with help from relatives. They traveled throughout many states over several years, finally moving back to Durham, Maine, in 1958.Stephen began his actual writing career in January of 1959, when David and Stephen decided to publish their own local newspaper named "Dave's Rag". David bought a mimeograph machine, and they put together a paper they sold for five cents an issue. Stephen attended Lisbon High School, in Lisbon, in 1962. Collaborating with his best friend Chris Chesley in 1963, they published a collection of 18 short stories called "People, Places, and Things--Volume I". King's stories included "Hotel at the End of the Road", "I've Got to Get Away!", "The Dimension Warp", "The Thing at the Bottom of the Well", "The Stranger", "I'm Falling", "The Cursed Expedition", and "The Other Side of the Fog." A year later, King's amateur press, Triad and Gaslight Books, published a two-part book titled "The Star Invaders".King made his first actual published appearance in 1965 in the magazine Comics Review with his story "I Was a Teenage Grave Robber." The story ran about 6,000 words in length. In 1966 he graduated from high school and took a scholarship to attend the University of Maine. Looking back on his high school days, King recalled that "my high school career was totally undistinguished. I was not at the top of my class, nor at the bottom." Later that summer King began working on a novel called "Getting It On", about some kids who take over a classroom and try unsuccessfully to ward off the National Guard. During his first year at college, King completed his first full-length novel, "The Long Walk." He submitted the novel to Bennett Cerf/Random House only to have it rejected. King took the rejection badly and filed the book away.He made his first small sale--$35--with the story "The Glass Floor". In June 1970 King graduated from the University of Maine with a Bachelor of Science degree in English and a certificate to teach high school. King's next idea came from the poem by Robert Browning, "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came." He found bright colored green paper in the library and began work on "The Dark Tower" saga, but his chronic shortage of money meant that he was unable to further pursue the novel, and it, too, was filed away. King took a job at a filling station pumping gas for the princely sum of $1.25 an hour. Soon he began to earn money for his writings by submitting his short stories to men's magazines such as Cavalier.On January 2, 1971, he married Tabitha King (born Tabitha Jane Spruce). In the fall of 1971 King took a teaching job at Hampden Academy, earning $6,400 a year. The Kings then moved to Hermon, a town west of Bangor. Stephen then began work on a short story about a teenage girl named Carietta White. After completing a few pages, he decided it was not a worthy story and crumpled the pages up and tossed them into the trash. Fortunately, Tabitha took the pages out and read them. She encouraged her husband to continue the story, which he did. In January 1973 he submitted "Carrie" to Doubleday. In March Doubleday bought the book. On May 12 the publisher sold the paperback rights for the novel to New American Library for $400,000. His contract called for his getting half of that sum, and he quit his teaching job to pursue writing full time. The rest, as they say, is history.Since then King has had numerous short stories and novels published and movies made from his work. He has been called the "Master of Horror". His books have been translated into 33 different languages, published in over 35 different countries. There are over 300 million copies of his novels in publication. He continues to live in Bangor, Maine, with his wife, and writes out of his home.In June 1999 King was severely injured in an accident, he was walking alongside a highway and was hit by a car, that left him in critical condition with injuries to his lung, broken ribs, a broken leg and a severely fractured hip. After three weeks of operations, he was released from the Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston.