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Vincent Kartheiser
5 May 1979
Birth Name:
Vincent Paul Kartheiser
173 cm
I'm with my mom so much that it's like if we go out to eat somewhere, we probably say ten sentences to each other. We're like an old couple. There's nothing that we have to say. It's okay to sit there and just be.
I'm with my mom so much that it's like if we go out to eat somewhere, we probably say ten sentences to each other. We're like an old couple. There's nothing that we have to say. It's okay to sit there and just be.
I think it's healthy to hate. I think it's extremely healthy, because without hate, you cannot see love. Without red, there wouldn't be any green. That's not a very good metaphor but, you know, it's the same.
I think it's healthy to hate. I think it's extremely healthy, because without hate, you cannot see love. Without red, there wouldn't be any green. That's not a very good metaphor but, you know, it's the same.
I was such a nerd when I was younger and I may look different now and girls may like me, but I still feel like that nerd.
I was such a nerd when I was younger and I may look different now and girls may like me, but I still feel like that nerd.
Vincent Kartheiser
Known to audiences worldwide as spitfire advertising executive "Pete Campbell" on Matthew Weiner's Golden Globe, Emmy, and SAG Award-winning drama series Mad Men (2007), Vincent Kartheiser has actually been acting since he was a teen. Starting with Untamed Heart (1993), alongside Marisa Tomei, Kartheiser accumulated an impressive number of credits during his youth, inclusive of Little Big League (1994), Iron Will (1994), The Indian in the Cupboard (1995), and Alaska (1996). He has since appeared in the likes of Another Day in Paradise (1998) with James Woods and Melanie Griffith; Crime + Punishment in Suburbia (2000); and most recently, the sci-fi thriller In Time (2011), which reunited him with his Alpha Dog (2006) co-star, Justin Timberlake.During his Mad Men (2007) hiatus, Kartheiser filmed the indie, Beach Pillows (2014), and performed the lead role in "Death of the Novel", which brought him back to his stage roots, that originated at the renown Guthrie theatre.Kartheiser previously starred on Joss Whedon's Angel (1999), and has guest-starred in numerous other series, including ER (1994), BBC America's Money (2010), and The Cleveland Show (2009). He's also lent his voice to the big screen's Rango (2011) and will next lead the cast of FOX's High School USA! (2013).A native of Minneaplois, MN, Kartheiser was named after Vincent van Gogh and grew up surrounded by his works.

Vincent Kartheiser Filmography

Watch What Happens: Live - Season 22
Genius - Season 4
Watch What Happens: Live - Season 21
American Experience - Season 35
Das Boot - Season 4
Watch What Happens: Live - Season 20
American Experience - Season 34
Titans - Season 4
Das Boot - Season 3 [Sub: Eng]
Inside Amy Schumer - Season 5
Watch What Happens: Live - Season 19
Genius - Season 3
Explained - Season 3
Titans - Season 3

Vincent Kartheiser Roles

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