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Andrea Sooch
Birth Name:
Andrea Szücs
172 cm
Andrea Sooch
Born in Budapest, Hungary, as the daughter of a mathematics-physics professor father and a pianist mother whose background is in old Hungarian aristocracy. Fluent in German, read-write Russian, lives in the USA since 1994.At 6 years old she became a member of the world famous Hungarian Radio and TV Children's Choir. She'd traveled the world and played on many LPs and concerts as a child professional violin player and a singer.At 14, she was accepted to the Fazekas Mihaly Gymnasium. This high school is still one of the most prestigious secondary schools in the country. It was known as the "race stable" as every single serious competition in arts and science in Hungary was won by someone who was a student of this school. Graduated from high school with a straight A average.Ms Sooch participated in a 2 year program and received her certificate as a professional dancer at 19. Proud member of the Vidam Theater in Budapest/Hungary, appearing in many TV shows and commercials.Left Hungary in 1989 when the Iron Curtain opened and got a scholarship at the Hochschule fur Music und Darstellende Kunst in Vienna / Voice Program. After landing a job at La Scala in Milan, she drifted more towards musical theater and acting. In late 1993 the American Musical and Dramatic Academy offered a full scholarship. Ms Sooch completed the Musical Theatre Program and began to work in the US in 1996.

Andrea Sooch Filmography

Gotham - Season 2
Allegiance - Season 1
Boardwalk Empire - Season 4
Broad City - Season 1
The Blacklist - Season 1
The Blacklist - Season 2
Gotham - Season 1
Taxi Brooklyn - Season 1
Boardwalk Empire - Season 2
Boardwalk Empire - Season 3
Boardwalk Empire - Season 1
Law and Order: Criminal Intent - Season 10
Law and Order: Criminal Intent - Season 9
Law and Order: Criminal Intent - Season 8
The Shield - Season 7

Andrea Sooch Roles

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