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Ben Stein
25 November 1944
Birth Name:
Benjamin Jeremy Stein
180 cm
[on Jimmy Kimmel] I was privileged to tell Michael Eisner some ten years ago that Jimmy was their only choice when they were looking for a late-night host who would get the young. He has not disappointed. He can interview a major star and cut the star down to human size with the deftness of a brain surgeon. He is the stand-up guy that young male viewers want...
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[on Jimmy Kimmel] I was privileged to tell Michael Eisner some ten years ago that Jimmy was their only choice when they were looking for a late-night host who would get the young. He has not disappointed. He can interview a major star and cut the star down to human size with the deftness of a brain surgeon. He is the stand-up guy that young male viewers want as their pal late at night. He projects it because he is it.
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Ben Stein
Ben Stein (Benjamin J. Stein) was born on Nov. 25, 1944 in Washington, D.C. The son of noted economist and writer Herbert Stein, he grew up in Silver Spring, Md., and attended Montgomery Blair High School. Some of his classmates included journalist Carl Bernstein, and actors Goldie Hawn and Sylvester Stallone. He graduated from Columbia University in 1966 with honors in economics and as valedictorian of the 1970 Yale Law School class. He has worked as a poverty lawyer, a trial lawyer, a university adjunct (American University, University of California at Santa Cruz and Pepperdine University), a speech writer for Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford and a columnist for The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Herald Examiner, King Features Syndicate, Los Angeles Magazine, New York Magazine, E! Online and The American Spectator. He also writes frequently for The Washington Post. Stein has written and published 16 books (seven novels, nine nonfiction books), the most recent of which is about life with his 12-year-old son, Tommy. He has been a longtime screenwriter and was one of the creators of the TV series Fernwood 2 Night (1977). He has acted and made guest appearances in numerous movies and TV series, appears in many TV commercials and is the host of two Comedy Central TV series, Win Ben Stein's Money (1997) (October, 1997-2002) and Turn Ben Stein On (1999). He is married to entertainment-industry attorney Alexandra Denman, son Tom Stein,

Ben Stein Filmography

20-20 - Season 48
Family Guy - Season 23
20/20 - Season 47
Peytons Places - Season 4
Family Guy - Season 22
20 20 - Season 46
Frontline - Season 41
Family Guy - Season 21
Family Guy - Season 20
20/20 - Season 44
Family Guy - Season 19
Family Guy - Season 18
Family Guy - Season 17
Murphy Brown - Season 11
The Last Sharknado: It's About Time

Ben Stein Roles

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