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Bob Grant
14 April 1932
Birth Name:
Robert Sinclair Grant
173 cm
On his disappearance for five days in 1987: For me the worst time was when the panto ended. To have a taste of what work could be like again, then to have that snatched away from me, was awful. All I could see was the empty months ahead, debts building up, no hope. I went into a black depression. I'd sit for hours with my head in my hands. I felt that I was ...
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On his disappearance for five days in 1987: For me the worst time was when the panto ended. To have a taste of what work could be like again, then to have that snatched away from me, was awful. All I could see was the empty months ahead, debts building up, no hope. I went into a black depression. I'd sit for hours with my head in my hands. I felt that I was in a black room with no window and no door, and the walls were coming in towards me. I just felt like screaming. I knew I had to get out, get away. I wanted to die, and I decided to top myself.
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Bob Grant
Bob Grant was trained at Rada after spending some time as a Lieutenant with the Royal Artillery. He plied his trade to begin with in Repertory and appeared on stage for many years all around the UK. His work in rep continued up to the mid-90s. He will be best remembered for his role of Jack Harper, the cheeky bus conductor with his traditional cigarette, cheeky laugh and his passion for the ladies and, of course, winding up old Blakey, the Inspector in On the Buses (1969). On the Buses was a huge success for Bob and his co-star, Reg Varney, running from 1969 to 1973 with 76 episodes and 3 spin-off films. It sold in 38 countries and is a great tribute to his comedy acting talents. In 1971 his popularity proved a little too much as his wedding to Kim was attended by hundreds of fans and it meant that everyone had to walk to the wedding! Famous other roles included Sparrows Can't Sing (1963) and Mrs. Wilson's Diary (1969). He toured Australia, starring in 'No Sex please we're British'. He also appeared on stage in musicals and pantomime. Sadly, he suffered from a depressive illness for a number of years and was found dead in his car in Gloucestershire on November 8th 2003. He was 71 years old.

Bob Grant Filmography

On the Buses - Season 7
Holiday On The Buses
On the Buses - Season 6
Mutiny on the Buses
On the Buses - Season 4
On The Buses
On the Buses - Season 3
On the Buses - Season 5
On the Buses - Season 1
On the Buses - Season 2
Z Cars - Season 1
Im All Right Jack

Bob Grant Roles

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