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Bruce McGill
11 July 1950
Birth Name:
Bruce Travis McGill
176 cm
(2012, on The Hand and working with Oliver Stone) I was looking for any A-features, and Michael Caine really made it an A-feature. So I thought, "Well, sure, that'd be great!" And it was a great experience. I really loved working with Michael Caine. He's a really skilled and experienced actor. I learn something from everybody, but when you work with somebody...
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(2012, on The Hand and working with Oliver Stone) I was looking for any A-features, and Michael Caine really made it an A-feature. So I thought, "Well, sure, that'd be great!" And it was a great experience. I really loved working with Michael Caine. He's a really skilled and experienced actor. I learn something from everybody, but when you work with somebody like that, you actually learn things you can put in your toolbox, things about craft. Not necessarily life lessons, but actual things he knows that you can pick up. To watch Oliver (Stone) direct his first film-I wouldn't change anything. I was really glad to be there, and then I was glad to see him again when we did W. He's a really smart guy, he's a really good writer, and...He has a certain kind of personality. But I really enjoy him. He's not everybody's cup of tea, but I like him a lot.
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(2012, on handling rejection) One of the defense mechanisms I have for the difficulties in the business, one of which is rejection, is that if I do the work, I go in, and I'm prepared and I audition and they don't hire me, I'm always just amazed, thinking, "Wow! For that money, they could've had Bruce McGill, and they didn't take me? I just think that's amaz...
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(2012, on handling rejection) One of the defense mechanisms I have for the difficulties in the business, one of which is rejection, is that if I do the work, I go in, and I'm prepared and I audition and they don't hire me, I'm always just amazed, thinking, "Wow! For that money, they could've had Bruce McGill, and they didn't take me? I just think that's amazing. Well, too bad for them." Rather than go, "Oh, what did I do wrong?" I just don't do that. I don't go down that road. So it's a built-in defense mechanism, but also, I feel that way. I feel like with what I know and what I can deliver, if I look enough like the guy they want to even have me in, and they don't use me, then that's their shortcoming. It's a reflection on their inability to see what's right in front of them rather than my inability to get the role.
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(2012, on Matchstick Men) I think it's one of a handful of the best movies I've done. I think it's one of Nic Cage's top performances. Sam Rockwell and myself and Nic just loved that movie. It's a really good grown-up comedy. I just think the world of that. And to play the two realities at all times was very liberating.
(2012, on Matchstick Men) I think it's one of a handful of the best movies I've done. I think it's one of Nic Cage's top performances. Sam Rockwell and myself and Nic just loved that movie. It's a really good grown-up comedy. I just think the world of that. And to play the two realities at all times was very liberating.
Bruce McGill
Bruce McGill grew up in San Antonio, Texas where he began his acting career in in the MacArthur High School department of theatre. His most popular role was in Animal House (1978).

Bruce McGill Filmography

Family Guy - Season 20
American Dad - Season 18
American Underdog
Blue Miracle
The Crew - Season 1
Family Guy - Season 19
NCIS - Season 18
Blue Bloods - Season 11
American Dad - Season 17
Troubled Waters
MacGyver - Season 5 (2016)
MacGyver (2016) - Season 4
The Big Ugly
Suits - Season 9

Bruce McGill Roles

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