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Rand Brooks
21 September 1918
Birth Name:
Arlington Rand Brooks Jr.
178 cm
[in an interview with the Toronto Star in 1986] I loved to work, loved to act, but acting doesn't make for a secure, happy life. You may not work for six months, then you get three offers at the same time. You pick one and as sure as shootin', it's the wrong one!
[in an interview with the Toronto Star in 1986] I loved to work, loved to act, but acting doesn't make for a secure, happy life. You may not work for six months, then you get three offers at the same time. You pick one and as sure as shootin', it's the wrong one!
[After Clayton Moore's death] I miss him. I sort of expected this and I didn't think I'd miss him so much, but I do. We were closer than most people.
[After Clayton Moore's death] I miss him. I sort of expected this and I didn't think I'd miss him so much, but I do. We were closer than most people.
[on Clayton Moore] He didn't get rich being The Lone Ranger. His bosses weren't too sympathetic . . . and he made them a lot of money . . . and Clayton, well, Clayton worked awfully hard to take care of his family.
[on Clayton Moore] He didn't get rich being The Lone Ranger. His bosses weren't too sympathetic . . . and he made them a lot of money . . . and Clayton, well, Clayton worked awfully hard to take care of his family.
[about Clayton Moore] We both signed with MGM. I came in on September 6th and he showed up on the 21st. I worked my way down from Metro to Republic--where he joined me.
[about Clayton Moore] We both signed with MGM. I came in on September 6th and he showed up on the 21st. I worked my way down from Metro to Republic--where he joined me.
Rand Brooks
In 1966, Rand Brooks started Professional Ambulance Service in Glendale, California, with two used ambulances and a credit card. By 1977 his company had become the largest private ambulance 9-1-1 paramedic provider in Los Angeles County. During his ownership the company received dozens of awards and commendations and was widely recognized as one of the finest ambulance services in the country. In 1995 Brooks sold it to corporate giant American Medical Response. He lived at his ranch in Santa Barbara County with second wife Hermine, a former executive with his company, until his death in 2003. Brooks has two children; a daughter and a son, Rand Brooks Jr., who owns a trucking company in Los Angeles. Brooks can be seen portraying a police officer in the two-hour premier episode of the television series Emergency! (1972), which was first aired in January of 1972 on NBC.

Rand Brooks Filmography

Columbo - Season 11
Columbo - Season 10
Columbo - Season 9
Columbo - Season 8
Columbo - Season 7
Columbo - Season 6
Columbo - Season 5
Columbo - Season 4
Gunsmoke - Season 20
Adam-12 - Season 7
Columbo - Season 3
Gunsmoke - Season 19
Adam-12 - Season 6
Columbo - Season 2
Gunsmoke - Season 18

Rand Brooks Roles

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