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Adrianna Tate-Duncan
Adrianna Tate-Duncan
Contents [hideshow] 1. SEASON 1 2. SEASON 2 3. SEASON 3 4. SEASON 4 5. SEASON 5 SEASON 1 Adrianna is a 16 year old girl who is best friends with Naomi Clark and is considered very bitchy. She is a former child actor and while many believe she still wants acting gigs for fame, she does it to put food on the table. Her mother does not have a well-paying job and has always pushed Adrianna to acting so they could get money. It is discovered that she has a major cocaine addiction and it affects everything around her. Thanks to the help of a West Beverly Hills High alum, Brenda Walsh, she goes to rehab and gets cleaned up. After getting out of rehab, she find out that she is pregnant and she eventually tells Naomi and Kelly that the father is Ty Collins. After struggling to decide what she should do, she realized that it would be best to carry out with the pregnancy, rather than abort it. Tys parents tried to get her to sign an agreement that would make it so basically the pregnancy and baby never existed, after she gives birth in a private location in another state. Adrianna was upset and decided to tell them off and then to tell the entire school over the TV system, but did not reveal who the father really was. Instead, she said it was an immaculate conception. Navid Shirazi and Adrianna get close and he helps her out a great deal, even though she was pregnant with another mans baby. He even made her think they could possibly have a future with the baby involved, but she realized that being a teen mom would be impossible. In the season 1 finale, Adrianna goes into labor during prom and is rushed to the hospital with her some of her friends and adults to give birth. She gets a visit from Brenda who tells her that she had adopted a beautiful little girl, but not Adrianna's like many thought. One of the most heart-breaking goodbyes Adrianna ever had to do in her short life was to her new born baby, whom she gave up for adoption to a very nice couple.----------------------------------------------------------SEASON 2 Back and better than ever, Adrianna might have had a child and gave it up on the same day, but that was not going to keep her down. She's wearing more colorful clothing, opposed to her dark wardrobe to go with her drug addiction in season 1. She is still with Navid, but they have not had sex yet and that is starting to get in the way of the relationship. Another thing is that her former summer love, Teddy Montgomery, moves to West Bev and causes some confusion for Adrianna. She slips up and kisses Teddy, Navid finds out and breaks up with her. Adrianna decided she did not want Teddy and tries to get Navid back, but he would not listen. So she turns back to drugs and things get way out of hand. But her friends help her and get her back into rehab. She meets fellow West Bev. student Gia Mannetti, at an AA meeting. Gia also goes to West Bev and helps Adrianna out a lot. They form a semi-romantic bond, which soon turns into a full out relationship. Adrianna joins an all girl band through the help of her girlfriend and gets discovered by an agent. After several months of dating Gia, Adrianna realizes that she still loves Navid. The only problem is that Navid had moved on and when she went to tell him her true feelings, he was kissing Lila. By the end of season 2, Adrianna is becoming involved with Javier Luna, a famous Latin-American pop singer. Navid breaks up with Lila to tell Adrianna he loves her, but walks in on her telling Javier that she is not interested in anyone at the moment. In the season finale, things finally work out with Adrianna and Navid. They get back together, and she tells Javier that she hopes it does not affect their professional relationship. Javier does not mind, but there could be trouble in store because he will be alone on tour with her during the summer.----------------------------------------------------------SEASON 3 Adrianna has spent the whole summer on tour with Javier and had dropped out of West Beverly Hills High for a career in music. She is told by Javier that the label is not happy with her and that she would be nothing without him. Javier shows Adrianna a book of songs he wrote and has yet to show them to the label, just moment before he is killed in a car accident from an earthquake. Adrianna decides to take the book and get her solo career going. She did not expect anyone to have known of the songs, however, Javier's uncle/manager Victor, knew of them. He blackmails Adrianna to do what he says or he will tell everyone about her steeling the songs. Victor took 80% of her pay, made her pose topless, and has forced her to alienate her friends and boyfriend (Navid). Erin Silver and Navid find out about Victor blackmailing Adrianna and confront her. Adrianna tells Victor that she is done with him, but he tells her that she got the cover of a magazine. Adrianna decided to remain with Victor as her manager. As time went on, Adrianna realized that Victor needed her for the money as much as she needed him for the fame. So she called his bluff and turned the tables, she told him that she knew he would not tell the media because that would mean the end of him getting money. She told him his cut would be 5%. Adriana became more and more spoiled and manipulative to her friends, Navid, and especially Victor. Victor was all ready to take her crap until she threw his Christmas present to her back in his face. To make things worse, her total lake of communication and excessive conceitedness drove Navid into the arms of her friend Silver. On the night of Adriannas lavish Christmas Eve party, Victor sold the story about her stealing Javiers songs. She was instantly slammed in the press, which was going to eventually happen down the road. The story Victor sold, however, was not entirely true. He told that he had no clue until recently that Adriannas songs were from Javiers notebook. After several failed attempts to bring her side of the story to light, Adriana almost gave up completely. Then she got the idea to try and get her baby back, which she realized would have only been for the headlines. Adrianna showed up one night at Navids house, nearly barging in on him with Silver. Luckily, Silver hid, but her earring was still in view, which Adrianna found. Finally Adrianna got her own reality show, and began going places to cause drama for the show. She nearly ruined Navids new business by causing a scene in front of clients and got Navid to admit he was cheating on her. Eventually, after Navid broke up with her and got her reality show pilot ready, Adrianna noticed Silver was wearing the same earrings in the video.Adrianna decided she wanted Silver to directly tell her about being with Navid. She decided to take a picture of Lila (Navids ex) in the locker room while she was topless and told Silver that Lila was the one who is with Navid. Adrianna was ready to send the picture to everyone, until Silver confessed she was the one with Navid. Adrianna then sent out a picture of Silver topless to the entire school. Spring break calls for some Cancun, Mexico. Adrianna heads down with the gang for their last high school spring break. Still angry at Navid and Silver getting together behind her back and Silver still obviously mad at Adrianna for sending out a topless picture of her makes for one crazy vacation. Silver begins to make fake sexual sounds and bangs her fists against the wall, which Adrianna is on the other side and very upset. Adrianna poisons Silvers water with the dirty plumbing water, making her sick all night. In-turn, Silver replaces Adriannas tan lotion with regular lotion, making her as red as a lobster. The two fight it out and end up in a pool. Later, they begin to talk about everything and come to a realization that they are best friends and should not let anything affect that. Adrianna then told Silver to break up with Navid, but she just could not. Adrianna later apologized and told Silver it was fine that she was with Navid, but was secretly still very angry. Ad replaced Silvers pills for her Bipolar Disorder with dummy ones, causing Silver to act out crazily. Silver ended up in the hospital for testing, they said she was not taking her medication and Silver offered to show them the pills she was. Adrianna took the pill container out of Silvers medicine cabinet, not having enough time to switch just the pills. Adrianna take advantage of being with Navid while hes drunk and sleeps next to him, doing nothing more. When Navid wakes, Ad tells him they kissed. She later tells Silver about the fake kiss to upset her and break the two up. It works at first, breaking Silver and Navid up for a while and bringing Silver and Ad together as friends again. However, at Ivys bachelorette party Naomi was scrounging for some single dollar bills to give the male stripper and accidentally threw Ads purse. The purse spilt out on the floor and Naomi discovered Silvers medication. Adrianna confessed that she did switch the pills and made up the kiss with Navid. Naomi tells Adrianna to leave and that she is finished with them. Lost and confused, Adrianna has no clue what to do. She has no friends, her mother is never around, and her career is dead. She begins to hallucinate and see Javier. Javier begins to tell her that she is worthless and the best thing she could do is kill herself. Adrianna, standing on a cliff right near Ivy and Rajs wedding, begins to think about jumping. But then she realizes that she does not want to die, she wants to ear back her friends trust and be good. Javier disappears and Adrianna walks away.----------------------------------------------------------SEASON 4 Over the summer, Adrianna spent time working with charities and even helping children in third world countries. She comes back to town looking for redemption from Silver and the group, but it turns out the wounds are just still too sore. Silver told Adrianna that she could never forgive her and that she nearly killed herself because she was taking fake medication thanks to Ade. Adrianna then hooks up with new guy Austin (Justin Deeley), who is also Dixon Wilson's roommate. After spending all her time at Dixon and Austins apartment, fixing it up because she is bored, she realizes she needs to move on. She also realized she never had a real relationship with Austin either. Besides the occasional conversation with Dixon, Liam Court is the only one who will even acknowledge her. He gives her a job at his beachside bar and the two bond and develop a close friendship. Adrianna begins to notice Dixon acting very strange and realizes he is doing drugs (ADD Medication). She takes it upon herself to get Dixon clean and spends 24 hours handcuffed to him. Sadly, unbeknownst to Ade, Dixon buys more pills the second she un-handcuffs him. Dixon does get the proper help, however, thanks to his sister Annie and her newfound money. After Dixon gets out of rehab, Adrianna and Dixon give it a go at a real relationship. Adrianna becomes worried when Dixon expresses the desire to get back to music because it was the reason he became an addict in the first place. Dixon finds a song Ade had done and remixed it with his own so they could perform it at a benefit concert. Ade was very upset and felt like he was using her, until he sang a song of his own apologizing to Ade. She forgave Dixon and revealed that her song was actually about Maisie, the daughter she gave up years back. Adrianna tells Dixon she wants to collaborate with him and try to get back in the music industry.Adrianna finds out that Silver is dating the adoptive father (Greg) to her daughter and that they are planning on moving to New York. Upset that Silver may end up raising her daughter, Adrianna picks Maisie up from daycare to get to know her. Silver finds Adrianna at the park with Maisie and the two make up for things from the past due to the emotional circumstances. However, Silver has to lie to Greg to protect Adrianna from possibly being arrested by saying she introduced her to Maisie, and he soon breaks up with her. Adrianna and Dixon still keep up with their music and eventually move in after they tell each other that they are in love with one another. They soon get a meeting with a movie producer to discuss making music for his upcoming film. Unfortunately, Liams new girlfriend, Vanessa, secretly sabotaged Adrianna and Dixons meeting with the producer. Unable to let go a feeling that Vanessa was the reason the meeting never happened, Adrianna decided to start looking into the mysterious woman. Adrianna found multiple IDs in Vanessas purse, but Liam would not listen to her. Then Ade found out Vanessa hired an actress to pretend to drown which Liam saved and got fame, but he did not know it was a scam. Meanwhile, Dixon and Ade are invited to perform at a music festival with the band Train. Adrianna decided to tell Liam about the actress that Vanessa hired to stage the downing. Upon finding out, Vanessa decided to get back by attacking herself while alone with Ade. Vanessa smashed her face into a mirror, messed up her own hair/clothes, and trashed the trailer they were in. By the time Liam, Dixon and some security guards arrived, Vanessa was crying and claiming Adrianna attacked her. Liam would not believe Adrianna when she claimed Vanessa was lying, but Dixon did. Adrianna was forced to go speak with security while Dixon was left alone to perform by himself. After the concert, Dixon was offered a deal with the label, but as a solo artist without Adrianna.In order to help Adrianna get over being framed, Dixon lies to her by saying the label never offered anything and continues to do music with her. Unable to take the stress during an argument with Ade, Dixon collapses in the recording studio and is rushed to the hospital. They discover Dixon has congential heart condition due to his abuse of ADD medication. Adiranna quits music because she fears it could put too much stress on Dixon, but most of the stress is due to him signing the record deal behind her back. Dixon does eventually confess to Adrianna about having a contract with the record label and them not wanting her. Adrianna soon find out Dixon takes a gig to go on tour to play backup for Haley Reinhart, and forces him to choose his career or their relationship. Adiranna finds out Dixon left town for the tour, getting her answer that he wanted a career more. Soon after, Austin returns to try and clear his good name and talks Adrianna into letting him be her manager. Austin suggests Adrianna should move onto country music for the next step in her career. Adrianna is even given a chance to perform at a concert for a big country music star, Judd Ridge, who happens to be Austin's father. Some of the songs Adrianna writes are about Dixon and how she felt hurt and betrayed by him leaving her. After the footage of her singing the new song went viral, Dixon leaves her a message saying that he wants her back and was returning home soon. Adrianna soon finds herself disappointed when Dixon never shows up to where they planned on meeting and thinks he had bailed on her. Unbeknownst to Adrianna, Dixon was in a horrific car accident after telling Navid (over the phone) to tell Ade no to give up on him. Adiranna and Austin get on a plane to Las Vegas to begin a summer tour for her new country music career.----------------------------------------------------------SEASON 5
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