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Crystal is an aspiring young actress who travels to LA to pursue her dream. Aside from her acting skills, she also possesses beautiful physical features and is an experienced swimmer. But with all the competition she ends up becoming a waitress to support herself while seeking roles in movies and television. Things become even more challenging for Crystal when LA is afflicted by an outbreak of the deadly T-Virus, which transforms its victims into flesh eating zombies. Crystal and a group of other fortunate survivors are able to take refuge in an abandoned prison, where they fortify themselves against the rest of the infected population. It is here that Crystal abandons her hope of becoming an actress and instead focuses her efforts on survival. Thanks to her experiences working in restaurants, she becomes a cook, providing meals for her fellow survivors while they focus on sending out flares and awaiting rescue. They also find a man named Chris Redfield who claims to be a soldier who was locked up in a cell by rioting prisoners, and knows of a way to escape, but the leader of the survivors, a famous athlete named Luthor, refuses to trust Chris, thinking he's a murderer, and keeps him locked in his cell. After a time, it seems like hope has arrived when the survivors spot a large vessel just off shore named Arcadia, which has been travelling the coast pickign up survivors, but they are unable to make contact with the vessel. Then a small plain arrives, piloted by Alice and her friend Claire, and after a desperate landing on the roof of the prison, Crystal asks Alice if she has been sent from Arcadia. Alice gives the regretful news that she knows less about Arcadia than they do, and that attempting to transport each of the survivors to safety on her small plane would be too risky. Crystal then tries to suggest that they ask the prisoner, Chris Redfield, about his escape plan, but Luthor silences her. alice is intrigued by the idea, on the other hand, and she briefly talks with Chris in his cell and considers his plan. It is then that the prison is attacked from inside by zombies which have managed to burrow underneath the ground. These zombies have also evolved strange tentacle-like mandibles which they use to devour their prey. With the prison no longer safe, alice decides to cooperate with chris Redfield, and she releases him from his cell. Immediately, he recognises Alice's friend Claire as his sister, but she does not recognise him, as she is afflicted with amnesia. Claire helps Luthor try to prevent a horde of zombies from breaking in through the front gate, while Chris leads Alice to a passage leading to a weapons room. Crystal bravely volunteers to join them, as the passage is completely flooded, and Crystal is an experienced swimmer. alice gives Crystal a gun, and they traverse the flooded passage, arriving outside the weapons room, but unknown to them, a horde of zombies has infiltrated the passage, and one of them grabs Crystal and pulls her back into the water. Alice and Chris try to rescue her, but the zombies numbers are too many, and they end up locking themselves in the weapons room and escaping through an air vent. Crystal is never seen again, it is most likely she was devoured by the zombies.
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