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Gabrielle Solis
Gabrielle Solis
Gabrielle, a retired model in her late 20's, married Carlos Solis for money but found satisfaction with John Rowland, her teenage gardener. She questions her relationship with Carlos, commenting once that she loved him and all her teenage fantasies had been fulfilled, yet she still wasn't happy. Gabrielle absolutely despises Carlos' mother, Juanita.The families of Gabrielle and Carlos Solis are from the Mexican city of Guadalajara.Towards the end of the season, Gabrielle learned that she was pregnant, as a result of her husband replacing her birth control pills with sugar pills (it is implied that John is the biological father, as Mary Alice speaks of the baby to come while Gabrielle and John are having sex; however, this is academic as the child did not survive). She almost left Carlos after finding out the truth about her birth control pills, but eventually decided to blackmail him into taking complete care of the baby in return for her testimony.It was discovered that Gabrielle is Roman Catholic, and refuses to divorce Carlos because of her faith. This is simply a lie to cover for her desire to continue her quest for materialistic satisfaction, which Carlos could provide and for her status as being a wife. She lost the baby after being attacked when her house was broken into by Caleb Applewhite, the son of neighbor Betty Applewhite, who had been keeping him chained in her basement because she thought he had committed murder. Believing Gabrielle to be in pain from her loss, Carlos sent a former inmate, Hector Ramos, to help her deal with it. Through Hector, Gabrielle began to realize that she was more deeply affected by the loss of the baby than she would at first admit.Her most recent rival is Sister Mary Bernard, a pretty Catholic nun who has apparently caused Carlos to turn over a new leaf, and who Gabrielle fears will eventually persuade Carlos to end the marriage. When she heard that Sister Mary's group was short of the money it needed to send Sister Mary to Botswana as part of a relief effort, Gabrielle personally donated the money, just to ensure that Sister Mary would be out of the way (at least for a while), and lied to the doctors on the medical forms for Carlos' physical evaluation so that he would be forced to stay home with her. Gabrielle also invoked the jealousy of Lynette when she planted a supposedly friendly kiss on Tom at a party; Lynette got her revenge by making out with Carlos right in front of Gabrielle.Gabrielle and Carlos want to have a baby, but cannot since she cannot become pregnant again because of her miscarriage. They try adoption, but they find out that John Rowland's mother works for the adoption agency they go to, and as a measure of revenge for Gabby sleeping with John, she steps in and all but rips up the adoption papers in front of them, then tells them that every other adoption agency will know about them. As luck would have it, however, they have a chance to adopt pole-dancer Libby Collins' daughter (who Gabrielle names Lily ). Libby changes her mind three times, ultimately taking Lily back; this left Gabrielle heartbroken.The Solises finally decide to make their new maid, Xiao-Mei, the surrogate mother of their baby. The in-vitro fertilization works and Xiao-Mei gets pregnant. In the second season finale, Gabrielle finds out that Carlos is cheating on her with Xiao-Mei. Following this, she surprisingly does not blow up at Carlos; instead, she orders that Xiao-Mei help her throw Carlos's belongings out of the housIn the third season opener, Gaby and Carlos are said to be getting a divorce. At Bree's wedding party, Xiao-Mei's water breaks. Xiao-Mei's baby is born black and the doctor reveals that the wrong baby was put in Xiao-Mei, and therefore Gabrielle and Carlos will not have a child. Gaby also runs into John Rowland and has sex with him, but only this time John was cheating on his companion. John tells Gaby that he can't do this to his fianc