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The Lady Jocelyn plays the female love interest sought by two rivals; (the fraudulent pretender) Sir Ulrich von Liechtenstein, of Gelderland (later Sir William, and rags-to-riches hero of the film) and the ruthless wealthy nobleman count Adhemar of Anjou, who is represented also as being a captain of the free companies.The two might have squared off in the various jousting fields in various locales during the summer tournament season with Jocelyn as the ultimate prize except Adhemar left to command his troops in the French battle loss. In that service, he leaves the tourney circuit for the 1356 Battle of Poitiers <href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Poitiers_(1356)> during the Hundred Years War after stoking the fires of competition by eking out a narrow victory when the two first joust.At the same time, Ulrich had thrown a temper tantrum upon learning of Adhemar's departure from the tourney and while winning the prize alienated Lady Jocelyn that same day causing the two youngsters to be separated during the same interval. On the battlefield, Adhemar's resentments grow imaging William with Jocelyn as they were on the dance floor even as Ulrich/William wins every tourney he enters. William is dissatisfied with any victory that does not include defeating the count.After a month, Ulrich/William sends Watt with a love letter that convinces Jocelyn to meet with him in the Paris tournament. The two rendezvous in a church and Jocelyn wants Ulrich/William to use pretty prose and sling romantic poetry like he'd sent in the letter, taking him all aback. He falls back on a boast she'd heard far too often. I'll win this tournament for you --which similarity brings up her temper. The two quarrel again he frustrated and confused, she angry, resulting in Jocelyn demanding that Ulrich loose in the tournament to prove his love for her, since denying his self-love in favor of demands laid down by his lover would show his devotion. Ulrich listens to her demand and stands in the lists while lance after lance is broken against his armor, giving Kate's creation a huge reputation. After a time Lady Jocelyn sends her hand maiden Christiana with word that if Ulrich loves her he will not loose any more matches, but win the tournament for Jocelyn. Ulrich does so, pleasing his staff (with a large wager on the matter) winning over all the French and German champions in the tournament.The Black Prince of Wales, Edward of England appears several times in the movie whilst in reality, he'd have been commanding the English Expeditionary forces, hence the film's relation to history is fanciful at best. Ulrich's first win was because Ulrich jousted Prince Edward who'd come incognito, whereas count Adhemar had withdrawn when learning who he opposed. This willingness to joust (inappropriately) with royal blood is what will cause Prince Edward to knight William after he is exposed as a commoner. That occurs when Ulrich and company head to England for the World Championships hosted by the Black Prince, William of Wales. Count Adhemar spys and sees William visiting his blind father, and turns him in to the tourney authorities. Lady Jocelyn and his men get word that officials are waiting to arrest William if he shows in the lists. They all argue against William, Jocelyn making it plain she will endure as a peasant in a filthy hovel living with animals if necessary, but William should set aside his pride and run. In prison, Adhemar beats him and gloats over how he is negotiating for Lady Jocelyn's hand and will soon be mounting her as one of his trophies. In the climax Lady Jocelyn goes to the victor, Sir William Thatcher who gives a much delayed lesson in humility to count Adhemar.
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