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Johnny is the protagonist of the 1993 film Naked. He is portrayed by David Thewlis. Contents [hideshow] 1. Naked 2. Character Overview NakedDown an alley in Manchester, Johnny appears to be having either rough sex or is raping a woman, who pushes him off and threatens to have him killed. He flees the scene, steals a car and drives to London to stay with his ex girl friend Louise Clancy.Upon waiting for her outside her flat, Johnny seduces Sophie, Louise's housemate. When Louise does arrive he verbally abuses her, refuses to answer any of her questions, and attempts to make her jealous by having loud sex with Sophie. As their relationship progresses, Johnny becomes increasingly aggressive during sex and generally abusive. He finally storms out of the house after an argument.While Johnny wanders the streets of London, he meets Archie, a hyperactive, aggressive Scotsman with a violent tic. Johnny offers to help Archie, who is looking for his girlfriend Maggie. When he finds her, Johnny is uncharacteristically gentle and buys her food. The calm is interrupted when Maggie and Archie are reunited and the latter angrily chases her.Johnny then seeks refuge on a stoop of a large empty apartment building. The nightwatchman, Brian Hopper, offers to let him stay inside in the lobby and engages with Johnny in a long and heated philosophical debate. Despite being aware that Brian's feelings about being in the future are what give the lonely man comfort, Johnny tears his views down to shreds using logic and his own existential, transhumanistic philosophy. They watch a woman at the top of another building, dancing, and Brian admits he is attracted to her.After having food with Brian, Johnny goes to the woman's home and is surprised to see she is not quite as young or attractive as she appeared from a distance. She drunkenly invites him in and tries to seduce him. During the foreplay, he violently pulls her hair and hits her but then stops when he sees she has a skull and cross bones tattoo on her shoulder. He instead dismisses her and tells her she's too old for him and that by having sex with him she might catch something cruel . When she falls asleep he steals her books and leaves.He has breakfast with Brian in a cafe. Brian, who watched the incident with woman from the window, is angry with Johnny for how he behaved. He eventually warns him not to waste his life. Johnny then turns his attentions to the attractive waitress (whose name is never given). He follows her home and she invites him in to the flat she is minding for a homosexual couple that are fixated with Ancient Greece (which Johnny makes light of). They initially get along; she makes him beans and he has a bath. As the evening goes on, the girl becomes increasingly anxious and depressed, finally throwing Johnny's clothes out into the hall and demanding he leave. He cries briefly, putting his head at her torso, but then puts on his shoes and attempts to make her feel guilty for putting him out onto the street.While resting at another stoop, Johnny meets a very focused man who is putting up posters. The man tolerates Johnny's company briefly, but this too turns sour when Johnny berates the man for not engaging in his philosophical debate. He assaults Johnny and drives off with Johnny's bag.As Johnny walks down an alley he is attacked by a gang of youths and left badly injured. He manages to make his way back to Louise's flat. Inside he begins to have what appears to be a convulsion, which wakes up the psychotic landlord Jeremy G Smart aka Sebastian Hawks (who appears throughout the film and rapes Sophie earlier). Johnny mistakes him for his brother or father and speaks incoherently. He attempts to hold Jeremy's hand but he recoils in disgust. Louise and Sophie bring Johnny into a bed and rest there for the night.In the morning, the third flate mate, Sandra arrives back from Africa and tends to Johnny's injuries. Johnny becomes articulate again (and much gentler) and reconciles with Louise but continues to ignore Sophie. Distressed, Sophie leaves the flat and throws away her keys. Louise then tells Johnny she is going back to Manchester and hopes he will accompany her. She leaves for work.While Sandra cleans up Johnny attempts to seduce her. She rejects his advances, to which Johnny is sympathetic to. He steals the money Jeremy left in the flat and continues his never ending odyssey.Character OverviewJohnny is depicted as an exceedling complex individual. He is erudite and well spoken, and according to Johnny at least has an A level in psychology. He is also a very witty and unusually verbose; speaking often at great length about any number of subjects while peppering everything he says with jokes.At the same time he is also an angry, sadistic, bitter person who frequently rants about the apoclaypse and expresses disappointment at the human condition. When not trying to inflict suffering on people, he often tries to invade their privacy with provactive queries. He attempts to seduce every woman he meets (with the exception of the Maggie) and when successful he becomes physically abusive. All the above, on top of bitter comments, would suggest Johnny is a mysoginist. Yet despite this he is shown to have a degree of respect for Louise.Most often, Johnny is philosophical. If one is to trust his rants, he appears to believe in aspects of the bible (making him Christian), particularly the apoclaypse, which he predicts will come from nuclear warfare. He also believes in evolution and purports that human beings will become something beyond comprehension existing on a plain similar to the concept of time, even similar to God. He also believes in a God but assumes he is a wrathful, angry one who views humans as a mistake - and claims that good only exists to be thwarted by evil. He is also opposed to consumerism.Despite expressing disapproval for just about everything, he does appears to be geniunely interested in the people he meets. He also is an avid reader, who shown to be reading at all times when he is alone, steals other people's books and is irked when people interrupt him mid-sentence. He also enjoys old children's TV shows and makes references to them.Johnny's past is shadowy. We never hear his last name or anything about his family or life in Manchester. He appears to have a bad relationship with his mother, who he frequently makes lewd jokes about, depicting her as a prostitute or a woman who appears in pornographic magazines. He seems to have a bad relationship with his father, which is suggested by when he is getting beaten by the poster man he says what's that supposed to be? Dad? And despite being very educated, he is unemployed and mentions that he is on the dole.Johnny is in very poor health. He frequently coughs and tells Brian he suffers from acute neuralgia, which may explain his crankiness. He also appears to be suffer from manic depression, as judged from his bizarre and disturbing behaviour, which can also flip between moments of uncharacterisitc compassion. A combination of mental and physical anguish have left him very worn looking, during a conversation with Maggie she mistakes him for being 40 when he is only 27. It could also be implied that his mental health is deteriorating as he was in a relationship for a year with Louise, which seems almost impossible to imagine from the Johnny we see. Furthermore when Johnny does arrive up to Louise's flat she is calm and understanding of Johnny, despite his offensive behaviour. This, along with having a reasonably sturdy relationship in the past for a year, would imply that Johnny's deportment throughout the film is part of his mental illness and maybe bouts of psychosis.
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