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Teddy Conrad
Teddy Conrad is the husband of main character Rayna James. Thus, Teddy is the son-in-law of business tycoon Lamar Wyatt.Teddy has a background in various business ventures, especially large real estate developments.He is aware of Rayna's romantic history with Deacon Claybourne. During their discussion about Teddy's potential run for mayor, he tells her, I know that I wasn't your first choice, but I've been there for you. On the surface, Teddy Conrad might seem like a simple, straightforward man. But, what lies beneath the surface? Does even his wife, Rayna James, really know Teddy?He has had ups and downs in his high-rolling business deals. When things are good, they are very good. But, what has been the price of those successes?And, he's good with their two daughters. They look up to him, and he has been the one that kept things running at home while Rayna was out on her music tours.But, why did Teddy sit down at the fireplace one night and burn the documents from his time on the board of the credit union? And, when Teddy met with his friend, the chairman of the credit union, why did Teddy suddenly end the conversation when talk of a Federal audit came up?And, in a city filled with good-looking women that command wealth and power, what did Teddy do with his spare time while Rayna was on tour?And, if Teddy was so willing to accept Lamar's wealth and connections to back a campaign for mayor, what other secret deals have Teddy and Lamar concocted in the past.Simple? Straightforward? Nope... not in Nashville.--------------------------In a scene at the country club (Episode 1.4, We Live in Two Different Worlds ), the gloves come off during a heated exchange with Deacon Claybourne. It starts when Deacon arrives late to play guitar for Rayna, who will sing at Teddy's campaign fundraiser. Lamar chides Deacon for being late. Deacon fires back at Lamar, and then adds a comment about Teddy being Lamar's straw man . Teddy gets into Deacon's face and makes it obvious that he is aware of the history between Deacon and Rayna.--------------------------During preparations for a campaign appearance -- ironically, to publicly sign a clean campaign pledge -- Teddy agrees to Lamar's plan to delay Coleman's arrival by having a police friend pull Coleman over for a pretentious traffic violation. Later in the episode (Episode 1.6, You're Gonna Change [or I'm gonna leave] ), Teddy flat-out lies to Rayna when she asks whether her father was involved in the scheme against Coleman. (The traffic stop expanded to a felony arrest when the other officer discovered drugs in Coleman's car. That was not part of the plan, and there was a legitimate reason for the drugs being there.) The question becomes: has Lamar's influence corrupted Teddy, or was he corrupt all along?-------------------------Things got really dicey when Lamar Wyatt paid a visit to Teddy Conrad after he was elected mayor. Lamar had bankrolled Teddy's campaign. But, in between election and inauguration, Teddy shocked viewers by asking Rayna for a divorce. Then, news broke about the surveillance photos that Coleman Carlisle had commissioned during the campaign, and even Teddy and Rayna's daughters saw the news in the tabloids. Those photos showed that Teddy had been secretly meeting with his old girlfriend (Peggy Kenter) during the campaign, while Rayna was singing at his fundraisers! With all of that background, Lamar shows up in Teddy's mayoral office and demands that Teddy support the baseball stadium (which was the reason that Lamar had put Teddy up as a candidate). Teddy shocks Lamar by declaring that he had made a promise to the people of Nashville to run a clean office and not waste taxpayer money. Lamar counters by asking, A promise? Isn't that kind of like a vow?? Bam!-------------------------Just when some viewers (especially married women) might begin to think that Teddy Conrad is all bad , he comes to the side of Rayna and the girls after the daughters are slightly injured when pandemonium breaks out at a Juliette Barnes concert. He is dutiful and loving at the hospital. It's an awkward moment for Teddy and Rayna, as the divorce is in progress and they are alternating weeks in the marital house. But, as they come together to support their children, one cannot help but wonder whether each is rethinking the divorce. When pride meets forgiveness, which will win?--------------------------The vehicle crash in the cliffhanger ending of Season 1 opens up many questions about the future of Teddy Conrad and his relationship with estranged wife Rayna James. On the one hand, it could open the door to compassion and healing of their marriage. On the other hand, she was in the vehicle with Teddy's long-time rival for her love, Deacon Claybourne.And, now that some time has elapsed, how will Teddy's affair with Peggy Kenter play out? (Her attempted suicide near the end of Season 1 might have signaled some underlying mental instability. Or, was it a heated emotional reaction to the frustrations of a deep love that had remained hidden too long.) Now that she has been a close insider in the mayoral staff, could Peggy do damage to Teddy's administration if he gets back together with Rayna? And, exactly what role did Peggy play in the credit union scandal that caused Teddy to burn those documents? Has she really loved Teddy all along, or was she using him as a shield against any Federal investigation?What will happen to Teddy's relationship with Maddie, now that Maddie thinks that Deacon is her biological father? And, who will survive the crash? Will we ever learn the truth? If he is killed in the crash, then will Deacon's memory come between Teddy and Maddie? And, if Deacon survives the crash, will that kill Teddy's chances of getting back together with Rayna? (Does he even want to reunite with Rayna?)As these tragedies unfold, will Lamar Wyatt be a friend or a foe to Teddy in the wake of Teddy's refusal to back the baseball stadium? And, how will the crash affect Teddy and Lamar? Will they become allies to help Rayna? Will things warm up, and Teddy become the son that Lamar never had, or will these men use their powerful positions to vent their personal frustrations?As we approach the premiere of Season 2, will city hall be affected by Teddy's personal life? Can he keep all of this under control, or will it control him? In the years that Teddy has supported Rayna's music career and kept things going at home, have they made friends that will stand by their side? Or, will circumstances force their friends to choose sides?A lot happened in Season 1, but it seems to be only the setup for Season 2. Wow! Keep watching....(This update written Thu, 19 Sep 2013, by TK--Blue_Beret .)----------------------------------------Season 2Teddy is facing a lot of internal pressure, because he can't lie to Maddie yet he does not want the truth of Deacon's paternity to destroy their father-daughter relationship. He meets with Deacon, but the meeting is awkward and unproductive.Teddy does get support from Rayna, though. She tells him, You're a good father and a good man. But, meanwhile, Teddy gets roped in by Peggy Kenter's scheme. Peggy had become pregnant by Teddy at some point during/after his breakup with Rayna. But, Peggy had a miscarriage, which she has kept secret from Teddy. So, thinking that Peggy is still pregnant, Teddy has asked Peggy to marry him (apparently reluctantly).Teddy's angst about the situation with Peggy is forced to a head. While attending a symphony concert with Rayna and the girls, Teddy gets caught in a squeeze. Peggy Kenter walks up to the family in the lobby. Peggy is wearing the ring that Teddy gave her. (But, her fingers still swollen from the recent pregnancy, Peggy is wearing the ring on a necklace.) Maddie recognizes the ring, and blurts out, What are you doing wearing my Grandma's ring?! Rayna becomes livid. Rayna and the girls walk away from Teddy in the lobby, and thus it appears that any hope of him getting the family back together have been shattered.To make the above even worse, Maddie runs away while her parents are distracted by the start of the symphony. Surprisingly, she calls Juliette Barnes to come pick her up from a convenience store. (Last season, Maddie had been slightly injured during a crown stampede at one of Juliette's concerts, and so Juliette had given her cell phone number to Maddie and said that Maddie could call her if she ever needed to talk.) Juliette calms Maddie down, but is shocked by the news that Deacon is Maddie's biological father. Wisely, though, Juliette keeps her calm and talks Maddie into returning to her parents. After the meeting with Maddie, though, Juliette goes to Deacon and offers her support for him building a relationship with Maddie.After the emotional sandstorm settles, Teddy expresses his support to Rayna for her decision to use her new Highway 65 Records company to break away from Edgehill Records. Marshall Evans has left Edgehill, replaced by the even-more abrasive Brent McKinney. After the traffic accident, Rayna has gaps in her voice. Brent uses this change in circumstance as an excuse to pressure Rayna toward releasing a greatest hits album -- something that Rayna has resisted, because she thinks that it would be an admission that her career has passed its zenith. Negotiations come to a head, and Rayna tells Brent that she will buy out all of her Edgehill Records material and make Highway 65 Records a stand-alone company. (But, at that time that she says it, she does not have the money to make such a deal complete. She later goes to her father and asks to borrow $20-million as an investment . He agrees.)While the above is happening, Teddy agrees to a meeting in his mayoral office with Lamar Wyatt (business tycoon and Rayna's father). Lamar says that he wants to bury the hatchet and rebuild their relationship. But, Teddy senses that it's a ploy, and thus he refuses to grant Lamar's real goal: the resumption of business contracts with the City of Nashville. Teddy explains that he has vowed to clean up city business, and that any business with Wyatt Industries is dirty business. Lamar is furious, but his hands are tied.Episode 6 ends with a hard twist. Lamar is arrested by the FBI for racketeering and other crimes regarding his shady business deals and suspicion of involvement in his wife's death in a car accident. The arrest happens in the fancy hotel bar that he and Teddy had often used for meetings. Teddy happens to be sitting there, watching TV as Rayna performs at a benefit concert (where the crowd picks up singing her song when Rayna's voice falters). As the agents put handcuffs on Lamar and turn him toward the door, he sees Teddy sitting at a table and he presumes that Teddy has betrayed Lamar's secrets. (Lamar has no idea that he has been betrayed by his other daughter, Tandy.) After the arraignment, Tandy visits her father in jail. Lamar sneers angrily that Teddy will pay for his betrayal.(This update written Tue, 05 Nov 2013, by TK--Blue_Beret .)------------------------------
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