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Al Bundy
Al Bundy is a sexist, misogynistic shoe salesman who despises his life, tracing his misery to the day he got married. He is selfish, disinterested in sex (at least with his wife), but somehow finds loyalty to his family as he plods along in life, hoping to find a better life through a fast buck. Quite often, when things seem to get better, he is worried the luck will end and change drastically--in fact quite painfully. Al has two children, Kelly who is slutty and somewhat of a dimwit. Bud is a social outcast who has trouble getting dates and sex. They also seem to not want to move out of the home. Al's main thorn in his side, though, is Peggy. She refuses to work, and spends her days eating while watching television. While he has a disdain for her, though, he somehow remains loyal and never strays. Another major thorn in his side is Marcy Darcy, his next-door neighbor who works in the banking industry. Somehow, he remains friends with her current husband, Jefferson, and her ex-husband, Steve. He works at Gary's Shoe Store where he has been since the day he got married. His working partner is Griff, another misanthropic male who would rather stare at hooters, make fat women jokes, and avoid his never seen wife. He constantly lives in his glory days as Polk High School's most valuable player when he scored four touchdowns in one game, although that year varies from 1966 to 1968. His favorite magazine is Big 'Uns, although he does have an extensive Playboy collection. His favorite show is Psycho Dad. He has a problem of excessive foot odor, rarely bathes, and steadfastly holds onto his old 1968 Dodge. Probably his greatest accomplishments beyond high school was the formation of the National Organization of Men Against Amazonian Masterhood, or NO MA'AM. He also hates fat women, Oprah Winfrey, Gilbert Gottfried, and the French. It is implied in a few episodes that Al's mother is an alcoholic and his father is deceased. He apparently has no siblings, but has at least an uncle and a cousin.Al Bundy was a finalist in the 2015 and 2016 Fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame votes (http://www.notinhalloffame.com/the-nominees/the-athletes/2717-al-bundy)

Al Bundy Movies List

Married With Children - Season 11
Married With Children - Season 10
Married With Children - Season 9
Married With Children - Season 8
Married With Children - Season 7
Married With Children - Season 6
Married With Children - Season 5
Married With Children - Season 4
Married With Children - Season 3
Married With Children - Season 1
Married With Children - Season 2

Al Bundy Actors

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