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Brom, the old town story teller, proves to be more than what he appears to be. He knows things....things only a Rider should know. He can tell a healthy, strong, virile dragon from that of a weak one. He can start fire with his breath and one almost silently uttered word. He can fight like a man half his age with a sword or wooden stave. Brom, not so much the story teller as he would have you believe, has connections all over the Empire, from the City of Teirm to the hidden lands where the Varden hail from. He teaches Eragon things that no others know any longer, while all the while allowing Eragon to believe he is uncovering much of his new life for himself. Eragon cannot believe what he hears, sees or even knows to be true. Brom carries Eragon as far as he can toward the Varden, all the while giving him many insights into his new existence. Sadness prevails throughout the story and soon Eragon is left to write his own story, while leaving his story teller, traveling companion, teacher and new best friend behind.