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Castiel is an Angel of Heaven, who manifested on Earth inside his Vessel, Jimmy Novak. Many angels laid siege to Hell to rescue Dean, but it was Castiel who ultimately pulled Dean out. According to Castiel, he did so because God commanded it . His hand print was burned into Dean's left shoulder. Castiel is amongst a group of angels who manifest on Earth to stop the breaking of the The 66 Seals which will release Lucifer and start the Apocalypse. Over time he develops an empathy for the Winchesters, in particular Dean. When he learns that Michael actually intends for Lucifer to be released so he can kill him, Castiel tries to warn Dean, but is punished. Ultimately he breaks allegiance with Heaven to side with humanity. With Lucifer free, and Castiel cut off from Heaven's power, he decides to try and find the long absent God. When he learns God is not interested in intervening to stop the Apocalypse, he is devastated. He works to support the efforts of Sam, Dean and Bobby in stopping the battle between Michael and Lucifer. After Sam's sacrifice to defeat Lucifer, Castiel tries to rescue him from Lucifer's Cage, but fails to retrieve Sam's soul. In an attempt to prevent Raphael from restarting the Apocalypse, Castiel is tempted into an alliance with Crowley. The demon offers to help find Purgatory which can provide them both with great power. His efforts mean Castiel becomes increasingly distanced from the Winchesters as he hides his efforts from them, to the extent of breaking Sam's mind in order to hinder their pursuit of him. After taking in the souls of Purgatory, Castiel kills Raphael. He claims that he is no longer an angel, but the new God . After smiting many people he considered to be doing evil in God's name, he blacks out and loses control of his vessel, and his powers, to Leviathans possessing him. Conceding to Dean and Sam's wishes, Castiel attempts to return all the souls and entities inside him to Purgatory. After the souls leave Castiel, he apologizes to Dean, and pledges to find some way of redeeming himself. His plans are cut short when the Leviathans, who managed to hold on, take over his vessel. As the vessel rapidly deteriorates, the Leviathans march it into a reservoir, where it disappears beneath the water, releasing them. Castiel is later found wandering naked in the woods near the water with no memory of who he is by Daphne Allen, who claims that God led her to him. She takes him home, he takes on the name Emmanuel Allen, and they marry. He discovers he has a gift for healing. While searching for a way to help Sam, whose psychosis is killing him, Dean hears about Emmanuel from another hunter, and is shocked to discover it is Castiel. Castiel eventually regains his memories, and is horrified at what he did. He tries to heal Sam, but unable to do so, he chooses to take Sam's madness into his own mind. After becoming catatonic for a time, Castiel awakes crazed but cognizant when The Word of God is uncovered, and he helps Sam and Dean identify the tablet. He later aids Dean in killing Leviathan leader Dick Roman, and in the ensuing explosion is pulled into Purgatory with Dean, where Cas disappears. A year later, when Dean escapes Purgatory, Castiel is not with him, and Dean tells Sam that Cas didn't make it , having let go in Purgatory when things got hairy not long before Dean escaped. Its revealed that in being in Purgatory restored Castiel's sanity and that while he helped Dean escape, he remained out of his own free will as he chose to stay in Purgatory as his penance for his sins. However, angels led by Naomi rescued him and Castiel is now free again, in a somewhat weakened state and under orders that he is unaware of to aid the Winchesters and report into Naomi periodically.CharacteristicsCastiel manifests on Earth through possession of a vessel - in his case Jimmy Novak. On one occasion, Castiel describes his true angelic form as a multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent ; on another, he says that his true form is the size of the Chrysler Building in New York, which is 1047 feet (319 m) in height.[2] The sight of Castiel's true form will burn out a human's eyes, as Pamela Barnes found when she tried to summon him in a seance. Castiel's true voice, like the true voices of other angels, is piercing to the human ear. He communicates with his vessel Jimmy through the electronics in his home, and appears to use an analogous method to communicate with Dean and Sam in Heaven. Castiel can also speak to his vessel unaided; he converses with Jimmy to obtain his consent to serve as a vessel. Castiel, using his vessel, can easily overpower and kill demons, sometimes even groups of them, by touch. Castiel is able to teleport himself, and in some cases groups of people, through time and space. He can cover great distances in a matter of seconds, as shown in 6.06 You Can't Handle the Truth when he believes Gabriel's Horn of Truth has been discovered, and searches an entire city in moments. The angel possesses vast occult knowledge, ranging from lore, to spells cast in Enochian, to the structure and defenses of Hell. Cas can move objects with a gesture. Castiel is also proficient with an Angel Sword, generally outmatching his angelic opponents while using it. Castiel rank in The Host of Heaven has varied, and the abilities he displays have varied based on his changing status. Castiel states that he was once the captain of his garrison. In the past Anna Milton, in her angelic state, was his superior in their Angel Garrison. Uriel appears to be junior to him, until he is promoted when Castiel's superiors become concerned about Cas's empathy for Dean. Zachariah was also his superior. However, Castiel seems to have been higher in rank than the henchmen that often accompanied Zachariah. Castiel indicated that he had been cut off from Heaven after helping Dean escape from Zachariah, meaning that he lost some of his abilities, including the power to heal. After banishing himself and a group of other angels, Castiel loses more of his powers and appears almost mortal at the end of Season 5. Castiel states on one occasion that he is now a Seraph and as a result, seems to hold onto all of his powers even though he is a Fallen Angel and cut off from Heaven again. However, since returning from Purgatory, his powers are weakened, leaving him exhausted when he uses his major abilities. However, this seemed to be a temporary effect as he has since shown his powers with no ill effect. Castiel has been killed three times, once by Raphael, once by Lucifer, and once by the leviathans. He is subsequently resurrected each time. After he died and returned the second time Castiel stated that he believes God brought him back new and improved . He is able to heal others with a touch and resurrect people at will. He demonstrates pyrokinesis when he burns Crowley's bones. Later, Castiel shows the ability to incinerate lesser monsters, such as the vampire Lenore, by touch. He also releases a blast of white light from his palms that instantly kills anything that sees it. It is also implied that he can kill even powerful demons with ease, including Crowley, the King of Hell. He is even able to force one back into its meatsuit to kill it. Despite his improved abilities Castiel remains unequal to an archangel, as Raphael can block his attempt to kill Crowley, as can Eve and the Leviathans. He also displays the unique ability to tell the Leviathans apart no matter what form they take. According to Meg this is due to the Leviathans briefly using him as a vessel, which allows him to know them better than anyone.He also displays the ability to sense the presence of nearby Leviathans before they become known to anyone else.PersonalityBecause he was an angel, Castiel initially expressed almost no emotion towards humans, and had little room for disobedience or feelings, as he was driven to follow his orders, although he does reveal some doubts about the morality of his orders, expressing an appreciation for the beauty of humans as God's creations. As he spends more time with Dean, he develops empathy and affection for him, and eventually for those close to him, and humans in general. Castiel's superiors begin to question his loyalty and promote Uriel to oversee him. Castiel eventually rebels against and is ostracised from heaven, leaving him deprived of most of his angelic abilities, forcing him to interact more with humans than he had previously. He is often confused by the finer details of human interaction and is blind to social norms. He allies himself with Dean, and despite his despondency over the absence of his maker and their desperate situation, Castiel continues to fight against the Apocalypse. After his second resurrection by God, with enhanced abilities, he sees his decisions and support of freewill to have been affirmed. Castiel begins to show pride, while remaining somewhat naive with regard to consequences. Crowley is able manipulate this budding sense of pride to get Castiel to start the Angelic Civil War. Castiel becomes dedicated to his own decisions, and tends to pass over other opinions, even Dean's, in the absence of another clear course. He eventually double-crosses Crowley, taking in the souls of Purgatory alone. He then insists on worship from his former friends. He intends to be an involved god, a better and loving god who will not abandon the world. He renounces his dedication to free will, saying that angels need a firm hand. He is quick to smite those he feels to be hypocritical and unjust, and rewards those who have faith. However, Castiel is being influenced by entities inside him - including Leviathans - and his actions become erratic and violent. He realizes he is not strong enough to contain the power, and at a prompt from Sam, he goes to the brothers for help. He is apologetic and humbled; after the souls are out of him he wants to find a way to redeem himself before the brothers. He eventually takes Sam's madness on himself, freeing Sam. The insanity seems to free Castiel of some of his guilt, though it leaves his mind scattered. He is now unwilling to fight due to his belief that he is a 'jinx', though Dean convinces him to help kill Dick Roman. He also expresses some fondness for Meg despite the previous animosity that existed between them. However, after getting trapped in Purgatory, Castiel seems to have regained his sanity though he admits there is no way to know for sure. However, his experiences have changed his personality somewhat and he is no longer as aloof as he usually is and has displayed a fondness for human things he took for granted such as watching television, which he never understood before.***Castiel is purportedly based on Cassiel, the angel of temperance, solitude, and tears (wikipedia). Castiel's nickname is spelled Cass by the show's writers and in Tie-in novels.Wikipedia says this about Cassiel (March 3, 2016):Cassiel (Hebrew Qafsiel Kaziel) meaning Speed of God is the Latin name of an archangel in post-biblical Judeo-Christian religion, particularly that of the Kabbalah.Unlike many other angels, Cassiel is known for simply watching the events of the cosmos unfold with little interference. He is the angel of solitude and tears, and is said to preside over the deaths of kings. He is also known as the angel of temperance.Archangel Cassiel can also be called: Casiel, Cassel, Castiel, Cas, Cass, Casitiel, Castael, Mocoton, Kaziel, kafkiel, Qafsiel, Qaphsiel, Qaspiel, Quaphsiel.