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Claire Dunphy
Claire is the stay-at-home mother of Haley, Alex and Luke, and the wife of real estate agent Phil Dunphy. Claire is a perfectionist when it comes to most anything, but the reality of raising her three children has left her feeling like she will have done a fine job if they each survive. As exasperating as the whole process of raising a family can be, at times, it's clear that Claire wouldn't change anything about her life.A former marketing executive for a big hotel chain, Claire gave up her career to raise her children. She occasionally gets the itch to return to a full-time career, but takes pride in being there for her kids and sees her role as a real job. Claire is competitive and quite focused on righting wrongs. A movement to install a stop sign in her neighborhood turned into an effort to win a seat on the City Council.In addition to the challenges of raising her children, Claire has to keep her husband Phil in line. She loves Phil very much, but, in addition to his terrible puns and bad jokes, she has to ensure that his sometimes overly creative ideas on parenting. Claire also struggles with keeping her older daughter Haley in line, especially because Claire herself was a bit of a wild child and sees much of herself in Haley.Claire also has a loving, if occasionally rife with lingering childhood issues, relationship with her younger brother Mitchell. Despite some competitive moments cropping up from time to time, it's clear that Claire and Mitchell share a deep experience, particularly in having grown up with parents who didn't really like each other very much.

Claire Dunphy Movies List

Modern Family - Season 9
Modern Family - Season 8
Modern Family - Season 7
Modern Family - Season 6
Family Guy - Season 13
Modern Family - Season 5
Modern Family - Season 4
Modern Family - Season 3
Modern Family - Season 2
Modern Family - Season 1
Family Guy - Season 1

Claire Dunphy Actors

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