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Dr. Elliot Reid
She is the daughter of Simon and Lily Reid, and is of German descent. Elliot has four brothers, one of whom is named Barry and appears to be gay and another one named Bradley. She also appears to be of Roman Catholic faith. It is also possible that she is a Protestant because she is from Connecticut and she describes herself as being a WASP. They are all doctors. Her parents have been expecting a male child when Elliot was born, which is probably the reason for her masculine name.Her father is Chief of Medicine at a private hospital in Greenwich, Connecticut. She grew up privileged but love-starved; she once attributed her many neuroses to the way she was treated by her parents. Her mother, a cold, bitter alcoholic, constantly pressures her about her love life and her appearance and encourages her daughter's insecurity about sex . Elliot's mother had multiple affairs, including with the Reid's Latino pool-boy, Jorge, an unnamed Pakistani oil rig tycoon (while she was engaged) and several of Elliot's boyfriends. Elliot also has problems with her father, as she is constantly attempting to get his attention and prove to him that she is a capable doctor. Subsequently, her parents cut off financial support, forcing her to fend for herself.When first introduced, Elliot is portrayed as a hyper-competitive chatterbox who puts her foot in her mouth at every conceivable opportunity. She is a Republican, is fluent in German and French (which Chalke is in real life), is acutely insecure about her eyebrows, her camel butt, and her bangs. She also has panic attacks, and describes herself as being claustrophobic, germophobic and phobiaphobic. She tends to say the word frick in times of frustration or bewilderment. Among her many house rules is that she cannot talk or be talked to while she is on the toilet, or talk to or be talked to by anyone who is on the toilet. Even though she is a doctor, she has hangups regarding saying the clinical names for reproductive body parts (i.e. referring to the vagina as a bajingo or Hoo-Hoo and the penis as peepers, peep, schwing-schwong or Slinky-Doo). Once she insisted that the cervical mucus of her friend Carla Espinosa, who was trying to conceive, be referred to as Carla's icky-sticky. She sometimes has trouble saying sex, instead referring to it as intercourse. She has an off-on relationship with JD, while both of them have various relationships and booty calls in between. Elliot also had sex with JD's older brother, Dan. In Season 5 she booty-calls an Intern Keith Dudemeister, which results in a relationship and later on in an engagement. Elliot seems to want a baby, since all of her friends are parents or becoming parents at the moment. On occasions she makes Keith wear diapers or pretends like they are conceiving. After realising Keith isn

Dr. Elliot Reid Movies List

Scrubs - Season 8
Scrubs - Season 9
Scrubs - Season 7
Scrubs - Season 5
Scrubs - Season 6
Scrubs - Season 4
Scrubs - Season 3
Scrubs - Season 2
Its A Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie
Scrubs - Season 1

Dr. Elliot Reid Actors

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