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Miss Piggy
Miss Piggy
Miss Piggy is one of the central characters on The Muppet Show . She is a lady sow who is rather full of herself, under the impression that she is bound for a life of fame and stardom. Nothing will keep her back. While her face is the soul of feminine charm, she is in need of anger management. If she ever feels as if she is being thwarted or insulted, Miss Piggy tends to fly into a rage and karate chop those who anger her. Kermit the Frog can attest to that: he's felt it from her several times. Though this is generally when he rejects her love- when she's not karate chopping him, she's often showering him with kisses. On the show, Kermit turns her down; in movies and TV specials, however, he seems to return her affection, though when asked about this, he's explained that it was all just acting. Miss Piggy calls him 'Kermie' as a pet name, while he often drops the 'Miss' when addressing her.Piggy has appeared in just about every Muppet movie and special. According to The Muppet Movie , Kermit and the gang first met her at a beauty contest, where she was crowned Miss Bogen County. She cought sight of the frog while giving her acceptance speech and began singing Never Before and Never Again with great enthusiasm, all the while fantasizing over life with her newfound love. Soon she found herself holding him in a warm embrace. Six years later, in The Muppets Take Manhattan , she talks about the two of them getting married with the money they made from their musical. Then on opening night, she hired a real minister to throw himself into the play and supposedly wed them for real. Kermit, though surprised, went with it, but once again denied its reality in interviews.Miss Piggy has displayed various talents on the big screen. In The Great Muppet Caper , for instance, she shows that she can tap dance, swim, model, drive a truck, and ride a motorcycle, not to mention use her super strength to bend the bars of a jail cell. She repeated this latter feat in The Muppets Take Manhattan , where she bent a metal bar in anger when she feared she was being cheated on. In that same movie, she also demonstrated an ability to roller skate in order to catch up with a man who stole her purse. In addition, Piggy has played a few classic literary roles: Mrs. Cratchit in Muppet Christmas Carol , Benjamina Gunn in Muppet Treasure Island, and The Muppets' Wizard of Oz as all of the witches, including the Wicked Witch of the East, who tries to get out from underneath the house that's fallen on her. She was also an official member of two recurring Muppet Show sketches, Veterinarian's Hospital and Pigs in Space .As for Miss Piggy's personal life, apparently her father cheated on his wife with other sows, while her mother gave birth to far too many piglets to be able to develop her mind. A life that Piggy herself was determined to avoid living, which is why she took off for the big city. And it was all downhill from there. In addition, she has two dimwitted nephews named Andy and Randy and a pet poodle named Foo-Foo.Appearances in literary Muppet comic books: Muppet Robin Hood (as Maid Marian), Muppet Peter Pan (as Piggytink), Muppet King Arthur (as Morgan le Fey), Muppet Snow White (as the Evil Queen), Muppet Sherlock Holmes (various roles)Performed by Frank Oz.