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Lindsay Bluth F
Lindsay Bluth Funke is the self-involved fraternal twin sister of Michael Bluth and the closest thing he has to a friend within his family, although she, too, often tries to undermine him. Lindsay thinks of herself as a left-wing activist, although she doesn't know the first thing about politics, and enjoys getting involved with a different charity every week.Her causes have included opposing circumcision, anti-Iraq War protests, supporting the right to die (specific to her brother Buster) and raising awareness of graft-versus-host disease, which struck her husband following his hair transplants.She has expensive tastes and is accustomed to using the Bluth Company credit card to pay for them. She ignores Michael's repeated pleas and orders to curtail her spending.She moved to Boston and married Tobias Funke as an act of rebellion. He was the chief resident of psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital until he lost his license for giving CPR to a man who was not actually having a heart attack. He's an Analyst/Therapist who goes by the unfortunate title Analrapist, although after he loses his license he decides his true calling is to be an actor.Together they are the neglectful immature parents of Maeby, a teenage girl who is desperate for their attention but finds her parents are too self-absorbed to notice when she tries to rebel. Lindsay sees her hands-off parenting approach as preferable to her dysfunctional childhood. Maeby was conceived after Lindsay and Tobias spent $130,000 of Bluth Company money on fertility tests and treatment.Lindsay and Tobias stay together for unknown reasons and for awhile try having an open marriage. Lindsay proves to be as bad at having sanctioned affairs as she is at raising money for causes.Lindsay has no professional drive whatsoever and spends most of her time going from family member to family member to ask for money. She shares a love-hate relationship with her mother, who frequently makes cracks about Lindsay's appearance, although it is usually flawless.Background: Her older brother Gob is an aspiring magician, and a poor one at that, and her younger brother Buster has a complicated Oedipal relationship with their mother, among many other issues. She is not as close as she once was to Michael, although they bond over their annoyance with their mother. She is niece to Michael's son George Michael.She eventually finds out something about her place in the family that surprises her.
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