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Stig is Tucker's friend introduced to the Midnight Society for initiation. Though The Tale of the Dead Man's Float is terrifying, most of the members are repulsed by him so he is the first person shown who doesn't get a unanimous vote and thus membership. The Tale of Station 109.1 is his second and final try, which succeeds. These were the only two stories he was shown telling, but both dealt with people who are social misfits, like him, and dealt with a specific fear (one manifesting itself as an obsession).Stig is unhygenic so is hated by Kiki, whom he seems to like, and even Sam after trying to sit on her clean sweater since it's dry, and the others barely tolerate him. In the meeting in between his two attempts at initiation, he was annoyed at the others' lack of acceptance for him, probably since as a non-member he had to be blindfolded when going to and leaving the secret meeting place, so wore a bag over his head until he began to run out of air. Like Tucker, his being younger than the other members makes him roguish and he occasionally jokes about Gary's apparently-unnoticed love for Sam. He isn't part of Tucker's new Midnight Society a few years later, so probably moved before it was started.