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Davos Seaworth
Davos Seaworth
Davos Seaworth (Liam Cunningham)Davos Seaworth is a trusted advisor to Stannis Baratheon. Although he cannot read, Davos is smart, experienced, and speaks his mind without hesitation.Davos is a former smuggler, and is also known as the Onion Knight, a name he got from helping Stannis, during the siege of Storm's End. Storm's End was under siege by Mace Tyrell, but Davos managed to slip past them in the black of knight, with a cargo full of Onions, which was enough to help the sieged men until Eddard Stark arrived to lift the siege. Because of the deed of Davos, Stannis forgave all his former smuggler crimes and made him a knight. That was when Davos took the name Seaworth. Stannis couln't let Davos go completly unpunished, so he took the tip of his left fingers.