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Sayid Jarrah
Sayid Jarrah is a survivor of the Oceanic Flight 815 crash who was on his way from Sydney to California to find his long lost love, Nadia, whom he hasn't seen in many years. He was a communications officer and interrogator for the Iraqi Republican Guard and served in the Gulf War. Sayid was ordered to torture Nadia, a childhood friend, but instead helped her escape and didn't see her for years afterward.Sayid is in England when he's picked up by members of ASIS and the CIA, who offer him a chance to find Nadia. If he can infiltrate a terrorist cell in Sydney and uncover a massive cache of explosives, they'll tell him Nadia's whereabouts. He takes this deal, which leads him to Sydney. With the mission accomplished -- having resulted in the suicide of his former college roommate, who was distraught when he realized Sayid had deceived him in order to find Nadia -- he's on his way to Irvine, Calif., where he's told he can find Nadia, when the plane crashes.On the island, Sayid is brave and loyal to the group, despite initially being accused by Sawyer of being a terrorist who crashed the plane. Sayid immediately takes charge and lights a signal fire the first night on the island, in hopes of catching the attention of a passing plane. He also uses his communications expertise to fix the plane's transceiver and picks up a distress signal sent out from the island by Rousseau, a woman who'd been stranded on the island 16 years earlier.Sayid develops a cool and distrusting relationship with both Sawyer and Locke. He interrogated Sawyer when Shannon's asthma medicine went missing and Sawyer was believed to have hidden it, then stabbed Sawyer with a knife during a struggle. He also doesn't trust Locke, who thwarted Sayid's effort to triangulate Rousseau's signal and was dishonest about the circumstances of a survivor's death on the island. Sayid develops a romantic relationship with Shannon.
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