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Doctor Bashir
Julian Subatoi Bashir is a human and the Chief Medical Officer of the Federation station Deep Space 9. He took the farflung posting so he could study real frontier medicine. He gets a taste of that and more as he treats victims of various wars and attacks at the station and away on missions. But he is also willing to pick up arms and take part in fighting when it is necessary, such as during the Dominion War.He is interested in research, at one point studying Data (from Star Trek: The Next Generation) and helping him to be able to dream. He is nominated for the prestigious Carrington Award from the Federation Medical Council for his projects on biomolecular replication.His best friend is Miles O'Brien, the station's Chief of Operations. After initially clashing, they became friends after Bashir saved O'Brien following an assassination attempt. They visit holosuites together to re-enact famous battles in history and also enjoy darts and racquetball.He is also friends with Elim Garak, a tailor and the only Cardassian on the station. He is infatuated with Jadzia Dax, although she shows little interest in him.Background: Bashir was born in 2341 to Richard and Amsha Bashir. His given name was Jules, but he changed it to Julian when he was 15 after finding out about he was genetically engineered.He performed his first surgery at age five when he restuffed his teddy bear, Kukalaka.When he was seven his parents took developmentally slow Julian to Adigeon Prime for months of illegal genetic engineering which not only made him much more intelligent, but also improved his senses, stamina and physical attributes, giving him the fast reflexes of a Vulcan.He became a doctor in part because he knew his parents wouldn't approve.

Doctor Bashir Movies List

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Season 7
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Season 6
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Season 5
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Season 3
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Season 2
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Season 1
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 6

Doctor Bashir Actors

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